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What Is Vampire Dragon Worth In Adopt Me?

The Vampire Dragon pet is finally available in the latest Adopt Me Halloween update, and this article looks at its current worth or trading value.
What Is Vampire Dragon Worth In Adopt Me?

Vampire Dragon, a Legendary Pet from Halloween 2023, is one of the most sought-after pets in the game after the latest Adopt Me update. Vampire Dragon costs 1,000 Robux and can be immediately purchased from the item shop.

But how much is the Vampire Dragon worth in terms of other pets and items in the game? And what are the differences between the Vampire Dragon and its neon version, the Neon Vampire Dragon? Let's find out!

How Much Is The Vampire Dragon Worth in Adopt Me?

Vampire Dragon Adopt Me

The value of pets in Adopt Me can fluctuate over time based on supply and demand, so the worth of the Vampire Dragon may change in the future.

However, as of October 5, 2023, the Vampire Dragon is worth a little more than the Water Walking Potion, which is an Ultra-Rare Potion that allows pets to walk on water for 10 minutes. The Water Walking Potion costs 350 Robux in the Potion Shop.

Neon Vampire Dragon

The Neon Vampire Dragon is worth a little more than the Neon Dalmatian, a Legendary Pet from Christmas 2022 that can be obtained by hatching a Christmas Egg. The Christmas Egg costs 1,440 Gingerbread and can be earned by participating in various activities during the Christmas Event.

Mega Neon Vampire Dragon

The Mega Neon version of the Vampire Dragon is worth a little more than the Mega Neon Crow, a Legendary Pet from Farm Egg that can be obtained by hatching a Farm Egg. The Farm Egg costs 750 Bucks in the Nursery.

Pro Tip: You can always check the current trading value of the Vampire Dragon at adoptmetradingvalues.com

Differences Between the Vampire Dragon and the Neon Vampire Dragon

The Vampire Dragon and the Neon Vampire Dragon are both Legendary Pets from Halloween 2023 in Adopt Me, but the Neon Vampire Dragon is the rare version of the Vampire Dragon.

Here are the main differences between the two pets:

Vampire Dragon:

  • Similar reskin of the Shadow Dragon
  • Bears a similar color to the Frost Dragon
  • Has specific tricks it can learn
  • Costs 1,000 Robux
  • Worth a little more than the Water Walking Potion as of October 5, 2023

Neon Vampire Dragon:

  • Legendary Pet from Halloween 2023 (Robux)
  • Neon version of the Vampire Dragon
  • Costs more than the Vampire Dragon
  • Worth a little more than the Neon Dalmatian as of October 5, 2023
  • The Mega Neon version is worth a little more than the Mega Neon Crow