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Adopt Me New Pet Basic & Advanced Needs Detailed

We explain the new advanced pet needs in Roblox Adopt Me, as well as new basic needs following a major update.
Adopt Me New Pet Basic & Advanced Needs Detailed
Uplift Games

With the huge new pet needs revamp update in Roblox Adopt Me, developer Uplift Games has shaken up the beloved pet sim title. There are new basic needs, a UI revamp, and even advanced needs that you can unlock. 

Read More: How To Get & Use Pet Handler Pro Certificate in Adopt Me

Take a seat, trainers, as we'll explain both the new advanced and basic pet needs, detailing everything you need to know to make every moment as fruitful as possible.

Adopt Me New Basic Needs & UI Revamp

Roblox Adopt Me new needs advanced basic UI baby complete unlock
The new UI has much less clutter in Roblox Adopt Me than the old one, allowing you to do anything you possibly want with your pets. (Picture: Uplift Games)

Just take a look at the new pet UI above. It looks good, doesn't it? Well, needs are now visible directly above a pet's head, and interacting with your pet now opens a new close-up window where you can dress your pet, ride them, fly them, and see all their needs. 

Check out descriptions of the new basic needs below:

  • Potty! - take your pet to the nearest Fire Hydrant or Toilet to take care of their Potty need!
  • Catch! - use a toy to play with your pet!
  • Ride! - take your pet on a ride in a vehicle or stroller!
  • Walk! - explore the world with your pet!

If you don't like the new UI, you can still use the old menu system by heading to Settings, then Gameplay, then Advanced Pet Menu, and choosing the close-up menu when tapping Needs.

New Adopt Me Advanced Pet Needs

Roblox Adopt Me new needs advanced basic UI baby complete unlock
Your pet wants to go potty! (Picture: Uplift Games)

There are some new advanced pet needs to discover in Roblox Adopt Me. The first one is "Choose!" which you can unlock after completing 50 basic needs. At this point, "Choose!" can randomly appear. Next up, there are specific item request pet needs that can start appearing when you compete 100 needs. Check out official descriptions of both the new advanced pet needs options below.

  • Choose! - Your pets may ask what YOU want to do! In that case, you’ll have a choice between 3 pet needs as your next activity.

  • Specific Item Requests in the Hungry, Thirsty, Play, Walk, and Ride needs! Your pets can ask to play with their favorite toy, beg for a specific treat, or even lead you to a shop for something new! These Needs are worth 3x the XP and Bucks.

Apart from the new pet needs in Adopt Me, there are also some system improvements for players to enjoy, namely:

  • If a player leaves the game and rejoins within the same Day/Night cycle, the pet needs will save and appear again!
  • Needs transfer from your Eggs to your Pets - once an Egg has been hatched, your new pet will keep the same needs!

Last but not least, there are changes to friends, family, and baby systems, which the developer outlined as follows:

  • Friends and family can now see pet needs when near the pet, not just while holding it.
  • Babies do not get the Choose! or Specific Item Requests.
  • Babies cannot be zoomed in on in the new interaction window.
  • Babies can now pick up pets and use strollers.

Check out a new pets needs trailer below for a visual overview, straight from the developers Uplift Games.

There are clearly some huge changes in the Roblox Adopt Me pet needs revamp update. Enjoy the new advanced needs, and remember to help your pets grow!

Did I make a mistake in this guide? Then please feel free to email me at [email protected] so I can make corrections. Thank you in advanced, kind reader!

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