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Adopt Me Mistletroll Village Items, Prices & Farming Gingerbread

Everything Roblox Adopt Me players need to know about the Mistletroll Village rewards and activities where they can earn Gingerbread currency.
Adopt Me Mistletroll Village Items, Prices & Farming Gingerbread
Uplift Games

Another huge piece of the Roblox Adopt Me winter festivities has arrived in the form of the Mistletroll Village, where players can complete activities, enjoy minigames, and earn a bunch of spicy new rewards, from pet accessories to vehicles.

Read More: Adopt Me Advent Calendar: How To Unlock All Pets & Hot Rod Sleigh

Take a seat, inhabitants of Adoption Isle, as we'll explain all the items you can get from the Mistletroll Village and how you can farm Gingerbread with ease. Let's leap in!

All Mistletroll Village Items & Prices

Below, you can find all the Mistletroll Village items you can purchase alongside their Gingerbread prices, from pet accessories to the Bauble Buddies and even the Chairlift vehicle.

Mistletroll Village item Rarity Gingerbread Price
🐿️ Ratatoskr Common 3,400 Gingerbread
🎄 Bauble Buddies Ultra Rare 85,000 Gingerbread
⛷️ Chairlift vehicle Rare 45,000 Gingerbread
🎄 Festive Pogo Rare 5,400 Gingerbread
🐕‍🦺 Tape Measure Leash Uncommon 2,100 Gingerbread
🎈 Drone Balloon Ultra Rare 7,600 Gingerbread
🪪 A.D.O.P.T. Lanyard Common 600 Gingerbread

You can also purchase the Fairy Bat Dragon Bundle and get the Gold Fairy Crown, and throw 1,000 Robux at Uplift Games to get the Fairy Bat Dragon in Adopt Me!

How To Get Gingerbread in Adopt Me

Adopt Me Roblox mistletroll rewards gingerbread
Enjoy the Ice Skating activity in Roblox Adopt Me's Mistletroll Village and earn more Gingerbread! (Picture: Uplift Games)

There are currently two ways to get the Gingerbread currency in Adopt Me, which allows you to purchase those tasty Mistletroll Village rewards we've outlined in the previous section. 

Adopt Me players must head to the Mistletroll Village and compete in the Melt Off minigame and Ice Skating activity to earn a bunch of Gingerbread. Check out the official descriptions below.

🧊 Melt Off minigame 🧊

This may be familiar to those who played Spleef in one of our Halloween updates! Run around melting ice tiles and be the last one standing - stay too long on one of the tiles and fall through to one of the lower levels of the map, so make sure you know where to land!

⛸️ Ice Skating activity ⛸️

Winter in Adopt Me wouldn’t be the same without Ice Skating on the river around town! Speak to Speedy to set your new record and earn extra Gingerbread!

Learn more about the Mistletroll Village event and activities via the official trailer from developer Uplift Games, which I've embedded below.

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