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Adopt Me Hummingbird Types & How To Get Golden Flower

We explain how you can get the Golden Flower in Adopt Me and the drop chances, from ultra-rare to the legendary Diamond Humminbird.
Adopt Me Hummingbird Types & How To Get Golden Flower
Uplift Games

Do you want to get a Golden or Diamond Hummingbird legendary pet in Adopt Me? Then we've got you covered, inhabitants of Adoption Island, as we'll explain how the new Golden Flower food item works and how it is obtainable.

In a new Roblox Adopt Me update, developer Uplift Games has made some changes to the Pet Plus+ subscription service and is allowing you to purchase a token (250 Robux) outside of the subscription service to equip two pets at once. They've also upgraded the VIP hot tub area. However, not everyone is happy about the Golden Flower and Hummingbird additions.

Get Golden Flowers in Adopt Me

We are just going to pull off the bandaid right now; you'll need to get a Pets Plus+ monthly subscription service to earn a Golden Flower legendary food item alongside all the other rewards and VIP status. The Golden Flower in Adopt Me replaces the previous monthly reward of the Golden Bone. 

The issue for some Adopt Me players is that the Pets Plus+ subscription costs $2.99 per month (or equivalent in your local currency). Those with a subscription get one Golden Flower monthly.

Adopt Me Hummingbird Types & Chances

Roblox Adopt Me hummingbirds types rarity golden flowers how to get new pet plus
So shiny and golden even Sean would want one! (Picture: Uplift Games)

There are three types of Hummingbirds you can get in Adopt Me. To start getting these beautiful flying pets, you must use the Golden Flower. Once you use a Golden Flower, you have a chance to get either the ultra-rare Hummingbird, the legendary Golden Hummingbird, or the legendary rarity Diamond Hummingbird.

Check out the chances to get one of these pets in Adopt Me when using Golden Flowers below.

Adopt Me Hummingbird Type Pet Rarity % Chance From Golden Flower
Hummingbird Ultra-Rare 87.5%
Golden Hummingbird Legendary 10%
Diamond Hummingbird Legendary 2.5%

Learn more about the changes to the Pet Plus+ subscription and see the Roblox Adopt Me Hummingbirds in action in the video below, where Jesse from developer Uplift Games explains the situation in detail.

That's everything you need to know about getting Hummingbirds in Adopt Me and how the Golden Flower food works. Enjoy!

Did I make a mistake in this guide? Then please feel free to email meat [email protected] so I can make corrections. Thank you!

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