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Adopt Me Box of Jokes: How To Get & All Item Chances

Learn how you can quickly get more Box of Jokes gifts in Adopt Me and what the chances are of getting each awesome new item.
Adopt Me Box of Jokes: How To Get & All Item Chances
Uplift Games

In the Roblox Adopt Me update entitled "Jokes," developer Uplift Games has added an awesome new uncommon gift, called the Box of Jokes, available for a limited time only and featuring several practical joke items.

If you want to get more Box of Jokes gifts in Adopt Me with haste, then never fear the inhabitants of Adoption Island; we've got you covered. We'll explain how you can get Box of Jokes, and all the possible items and their drop chances, so let's just leap in.

How To Get Box of Jokes in Adopt Me

Get your Bucks ready...Each Box of Jokes in Adopt Me costs 555 Bucks. Not Robux, thankfully!

We suggest earning more Bucks quickly by using two pets at once for faster quest completions and participating in all the latest events, such as finding the Adopt Me Shiny Crystals via the Roblox The Games mega event.

If you don't have enough Bucks but you do have a surplus of cool items, you can always get more Box of Jokes gifts in Adopt Me via trading with other players.

Adopt Me Box of Jokes Items, Chances & Rarities

Adopt Me Roblox Box of Jokes gift items chances
Entertain your friends on Adoption Island with the limited-time Box of Jokes gift and all its contents! (Picture: Uplift Games)

There are six toy items in Roblox Adopt Me's Box of Jokes, ranging from Common rarity to Legendary. Each item has its drop chance, and it is clear you might need to open a lot of these new limited-time gifts to get the Firecrackers or Whoopee Cushion items. Check out the table below showcasing the items, rarities, and drop chances.

Box of Jokes item Item rarity Drop chance
Disguise Glasses Common 35%
Arrow Head Common 35%
Chattering Teeth Toy     Uncommon 30%
Squirty Flower Rare 20%
Firecrackers Ultra-Rare 10%
Whoopee Cushion Legendary 5%

Good luck getting the Whoopee Cushion Legendary rarity item from the Box of Jokes gift; it could take more than 20 openings to find one. You have until Friday, 16 August 2024, to open all the Box of Jokes gifts you can get your hands on!

Read More: How To Equip Two Pets At Once in Adopt Me

Watch the awesome 40-minute video from a developer livestream below, showcasing how many Box of Jokes gifts were opened and all the awesome toy items inside!

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