You'll need to find multiple sets of tarot cards in Red Dead Online as a Collector returning items from all around the map to Madam Nazar. Included in those sets of tarot cards is the Suit of Cups. In this guide, we'll go over how to find every card in the Suit Of Cups in Red Dead Online to complete your collection.
Where To Find Suit Of Cups Tarot Cards In Red Dead Online
There are fourteen cards in the Suit Of Cups. (Picture: Rockstar Games)
All of Madam Nazar's Collectibles move based on cycles. There are 6 cycles in Red Dead Online. The cycle in Red Dead Online changes each day at 12 am GMT (8 pm ET / 5 pm PT).
The fourteen cards from the Suit of Cups each move around the map when the cycle changes, with each of the cards thus having 6 potential locations.
You can use the interactive Red Dead Online map to pin down the exact current location of each of the cards in the Suit of Cups.
All Suit Of Cups Locations In Red Dead Online
There are six different potential locations for every card in the Suit of Cups. (Picture: Rockstar Games/RDO Interactive Collectors Map)
Cycle 1 Suit Of Cups Locations
Suit Of Cups Card
Location Description
Ace Of Cups
Colter, Inside the barn on some hay bales.
Two Of Cups
South side of Braithwaite Manor, on a barrel under the building.
Three Of Cups
On the back of a wagon underneath the 'Cholla' of Cholla Springs.
Four Of Cups
North side of Van Horn, on top of fireplace inside building.
Five Of Cups
Riggs Station, on a table next to a scale.
Six Of Cups
Southeast of Strawberry, inside on the eastern windowsill.
Seven Of Cups
Southeast of Emerald Ranch, on a barrel outside of the shed.
Eight Of Cups
Sadie's House, on a barrel underneath an awning.
Nine Of Cups
Slightly northeast of Saint Denis, on window sill of a building.
Ten Of Cups
North side of Rhodes near Southfield Flats, on table beside bucket of water.
Page Of Cups
South of Braithwaite Manor, on the window sill in the north western room
Knight Of Cups
Above the first 'E' in Grizzlies West, inside the eastern cabin.
King Of Cups
Southeast side of Rhodes, on a table on the second floor. Walk up the stairs.
Queen Of Cups
Above a pond north of Heartland Overflow, on top of the first nightstand to the right.
Cycle 2 Suit Of Cups Locations
Suit Of Cups Card
Location Description
Ace Of Cups
Tumbleweed, on a barrel behind the rundown shed.
Two Of Cups
On a crate on the lower deck of the railway bridge at Bacchus Bridge.
Three Of Cups
On the barrel near the scarecrow southwest of Valentine.
Four Of Cups
East side of Rhodes. Western side of the white barn. On a bench next to wall.
Five Of Cups
West of Lagras across the Kamassa River, inside a shack. East side on a stack of boxes
Six Of Cups
On the back of a wagon in Annesburg.
Seven Of Cups
On a dock between Flatneck Station and Rhodes. Inside the bedroom on the nightstand behind the door.
Eight Of Cups
On the rightmost shelf at the shooting range in Armadillo.
Nine Of Cups
Aurora Basin, inside the building, under the bed.
Ten Of Cups
Inside the outhouse north of Lake Don Julio.
Page Of Cups
Below the 'H' of Bluewater Marsh, in a broken down outhouse.
Knight Of Cups
On a table underneath the awning on the back side of Benedict Point.
King Of Cups
East of Caliga Hall. Go up the stairs located next to the slaughterhouse on the north-west side. On a railing.
Queen Of Cups
North side of Caliga Hall near the river. On top of barrel right side of dock.
Cycle 3 Suit Of Cups Locations
Suit Of Cups Card
Location Description
Ace Of Cups
On the nightstand in the right bedroom. Northeast of Brandywine Drop.
Two Of Cups
In a home south of Little Creek River, on the nightstand.
Three Of Cups
On a bench at Wallace Station.
Four Of Cups
South of the 'D' in Armadillo. On the windowsill by the outhouse.
Five Of Cups
On top of the theatre facing Blackwater Restaurant and Althewate Inn.
Six Of Cups
West of the 'E' in New Austin, On top of wood box/table.
Seven Of Cups
Inside a house in a open cupboard in Lakay.
Eight Of Cups
Inside the pit latrine in the settlement south of the Elysian Pool.
Nine Of Cups
South of Thieves Landing by the River. On shelf right side of entrance.
Ten Of Cups
Inside the barn on the back right side, above Heartland Oil Fields.
Page Of Cups
Manzanita Post, on the table near the water tubs.
Knight Of Cups
On a crate under the awning of the barn east of Lakay.
King Of Cups
Inside the cave below the 'I' of Ambarino.
Queen Of Cups
Inside the mine in Gaptooth Ridge, on a crate next to a lantern.
Cycle 4 Suit Of Cups Locations
Suit Of Cups Card
Location Description
Ace Of Cups
On the barrel on the tower platform of the Gaptooth Ridge mines.
Two Of Cups
The railway platform in Valentine, on a bench.
Three Of Cups
On top of a bench on a front porch in Strawberry.
Four Of Cups
Above the 'EN' in Saint Denis. On a box near a fountain with a light.
Five Of Cups
On a crate halfway through the Annesburg mine.
Six Of Cups
On a table right side of the yellow and green house in Rhodes.
Seven Of Cups
West of Caliban's Seat, inside the house on the fireplace.
Eight Of Cups
Front side of the house on a table in Lagras.
Nine Of Cups
Directly south of Heartland Overflow. On some boxes behind the outhouse.
Ten Of Cups
Railway platform west of MacFarlane's Ranch, on a south wooden bench.
Page Of Cups
On the fireplace inside the house northeast of Heartland Oil Fields
Knight Of Cups
Above the 'S' in Saint Denis. On a box with a sheet hanging next to it.
King Of Cups
South of Braithwaite manor, on a cupboard behind the sofa.
Queen Of Cups
Emerald Ranch, on a work table on the western side of the northern stable
Cycle 5 Suit Of Cups Locations
Suit Of Cups Card
Location Description
Ace Of Cups
On top of the cinema building in Blackwater, on a square vent.
Two Of Cups
On top of the windmill, overlooking Tumbleweed. Climb the ladder.
Three Of Cups
West side of Braithwaite manor, on a crate on the east side of the building.
Four Of Cups
On the balcony at the back of the Valentine sheriff's office.
Five Of Cups
Southeast side of Saint DEnis next to the word "River". On the bench on the southeast side of the building at the head of the "T".
Six Of Cups
On a crate next to the corner of a house on the west side of Caliga Hall.
Seven Of Cups
On the railing of the front porch of Manzanita Post.
Eight Of Cups
Thieves Landing. On a barrel underneath the covered section in the back.
Nine Of Cups
On the bench next to the old train station north of Van Horn.
Ten Of Cups
Northwest of Bluewater Marsh following the train tracks. On the back of the cart.
Page Of Cups
On a bed in the back of a house north of the 'MO' in Lemoyne
Knight Of Cups
West of Rathskeller Fork, on the fireplace.
King Of Cups
North of Bard's Crossing, past the river. On a shelf in the back of the stables.
Queen Of Cups
On the backside of the mansion south of Van Horn on the balcony. Reachable by a flight of stairs on the southwestern side.
Cycle 6 Suit Of Cups Locations
Suit Of Cups Card
Location Description
Ace Of Cups
Southwest end of Saint Denis, on the railing on the east side at the front of the boat.
Two Of Cups
On a barrel at the end of the docks in Annesburg.
Three Of Cups
Outside the cabin on a table with a moonshine keg on it, in the settlement south of the Elysian Pool.
Four Of Cups
On the roof of the Rhodes bank at the front side. Climb the ladder at the back of the bank to reach.
Five Of Cups
West end of Braithwaite Manor, on the table immediately on the left of the door inside the building.
Six Of Cups
Heartland Oil Fields, on top of the tower on the railing. Climb both ladders.
Seven Of Cups
South of the word "Cholla" in Cholla Springs, On an empty spool at the back of the barn.
Eight Of Cups
Inside the lighthouse on the bottom floor (after climbing the ladder but before climbing the stairs).
Nine Of Cups
Southfield Flats, inside the house on the green cabinet in the corner.
Ten Of Cups
Inside the 'E' of Lemoyne. On the table on the second floor balcony.
Page Of Cups
Above Bluewater Marsh, outside on the table with some bunched-up clothes.
Knight Of Cups
Northwest of Window Rock, on top of a crate on the second floor of the western bedroom in the back.
King Of Cups
Northeast of Brandywine Drop. On the dinner table as you enter the house.
Queen Of Cups
Above the 'O' in Lemoyne. On the main desk in the back of the building.
That's it for how to obtain all of the cards in the Suit of Cups in Red Dead Online. While obtaining these Collectibles - and others like the Cherrywood Comb - can be somewhat complicated, gathering all of the cards in the Suit of Cups can be done if you're a determined and persistent collector.