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Palia: Where To Enable & Disable Chat Bubbles

Chatting has come to life as the v0.180 update added a new social feature, Chat Bubbles, to Palia. Here's how to toggle them on and off in-game!
Palia: Where To Enable & Disable Chat Bubbles
(Picture: YouTube / Palia)

Palia's social features have steadily improved as they've added some important adjustments and balance changes to make them more robust. While most player interactions have been limited to text-only, developer Singularity 6 has added another prominent social feature, Chat Bubbles.

Chat Bubbles have prominently featured in multiple MMOs, including The Lord of the Rings Online and Star Wars Galaxies. Palians can now enable them to make Bug Catching, Hunting, and Celebration Cake parties more efficient. We've explained what Chat Bubbles are within the context of Palia and how to toggle them on and off.

What Are Chat Bubbles In Palia?

Chat Bubbles are a new social feature that was added to Palia courtesy of the v0.180 patch update. While this new social feature wasn't disclosed in the recent Developer Update post, it was revealed in the recent update's patch notes, which Palians can experiment with.

For Palians who are unfamiliar with the feature or concept, Chat Bubbles refers to a feature where messages are displayed within a rounded rectangular or another form within a chat lobby or in-game. These bubbles are visible to people within this chat lobby, and unique settings make distinguishing the senders and receivers easier and organizing messages comprehensible.

According to developer Singularity 6 in the patch notes, all messages typed within the chat box in-game will appear above the character's head as bubbles. These Chat Bubbles will feature for every chat channel available, including Nearby, Server, and Whisper, to name a few, but Palains must ensure they have it enabled to see these bubbles in-game.

How To Enable And Disable Chat Bubbles In Palia?

Palians have the freedom of choice to either turn on or off any or all the Chat Bubbles settings from the Options menu. (Picture: Singularity 6 / Ashleigh Klein)

Based on our playtests, Chat Bubbles are enabled by default for other players but not for themselves; however, Palians can toggle the settings in-game. While in-game, Palians can hit the Escape key for PC or the cross button for Nintendo Switch to bring up the Options menu, where they can navigate to Settings.

Within the game's Settings, select the Gameplay Settings and ensure that the Gameplay tab is highlighted before scrolling to the bottom to find the Chat Bubbles section. In this section, Palians can choose the "Enable Own Chat Bubbles" setting and check it to enable it or uncheck it to turn it off.

Additionally, they can also turn on or off the "Enable Other Chat Bubbles" if they wish to see or unsee other players' Chat Bubbles in-game. Likewise, a few supporting settings allow them to adjust related settings, including text opacity, background opacity, text size, and the maximum count.