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Tinker To Their Hearts' Desire In Latest Palia Content Update, Adds New Decor Sets & Mystery Outfit Gifting

Convert the Housing Plot to a plushie theme park for all to enjoy as new Decor Sets, a Landscape environment, and a new gifting option are available in Palia's 0.190 update!
Tinker To Their Hearts' Desire In Latest Palia Content Update, Adds New Decor Sets & Mystery Outfit Gifting
(PIcture: Singularity 6)

There's been a loud ruckus heard throughout Kilima Village as Palians have continued construction work on their Housing Plot, thanks to the latest content update for Palia. Developer Singularity 6 announced on social media the launch of v0.190, the Tinker & Timber update, in which they've stated that the patch is "tailor-made" for "crafty creatives and arduous adventurers, offering new ways to decorate" and converting their Housing Plot into their "own personal playpen."

This includes new cosmetics like the Plush Park Landscape, which are available to acquire from the Premium Store, lumberjack-themed outfits and tool skins, and two new Decor sets. Additionally, a new in-game feature was introduced in this update alongside more game adjustments, optimizations, and bug fixes addressed, and Palians can find the patch notes here.

As mentioned, two new Decor sets have arrived in Palia, the Builder's and Sandbox sets, which can be purchased from Tish's Furniture-Making Store in the town square. The recipes for the Builder’s Bridge #1, Builder’s Mine Tracks #1, and Builder’s Hand Saw are included in the Builder’s Set Starter Pack, and the remaining recipes are unlocked through Inspiration when crafting.

Likewise, items from the Sandbox Decor Set can also be purchased from Tish, who, with the required resources, can craft the Sandbox Bouncy Shroom, Signpost, and Timer. To get into that crafting mindset, new cosmetics have made their way to Palia, including the new Plush Park Landscape, the perfect setting for the Sandbox Decor set items to convert their Housing Plot to a plushie-themed park!

The Rugged Lumberjack outfit collection and the Flannel Glider and Tool Skins are also available to purchase from the Premium Store to fully embody the Palian lumberjack look. But perhaps the biggest addition to the game is the Mystery Outfit Gifting mechanic, which allows Palians to gift a friend "with Premium outfits, fully wrapped and at a massive discount!"

All Palians can do is navigate to the Premium Store and locate the "Featured section" to select the Mystery Outfit Gifting, which costs 795 Palia Coins. This allows them to gift a random outfit that they don't currently own and whose "base price that is always greater than the price of the gift (e.g., more than 795 Coins)," which they can select a pal from their Friends List, edit a personalized message before confirming the gift and the pal will receive an in-game notification of this gift!