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Overwatch 2 Players Express Frustration with Teammates in New Clash Mode

Players are calling out their teammates as a major pain point in the new Clash mode of Overwatch 2.
Overwatch 2 Players Express Frustration with Teammates in New Clash Mode

Season 12 of Overwatch 2 has had a rocky beginning, with the new Hero Juno facing criticism for being overly balanced, fans expressing disappointment in Blizzard’s skin choices, and, unfortunately, some instances of targeted harassment. On a brighter note, the new Clash mode has been well received, though there seems to be an issue with team dynamics this season.

According to player feedback, many are struggling to get their teammates to cooperate in capturing the new points, suggesting that the overall experience might need some fine-tuning from Blizzard. Let’s dive into how fans are reacting to the new Clash mode in Overwatch 2.

Overwatch 2 Players Beg Teammates To Stay On The Point In Clash Mode

While players have voiced concerns about the overall state of the Clash mode and offered Blizzard feedback on how to refine it, it seems that much of the frustration is stemming from the players themselves. Specifically, many are struggling to get their teammates to stay on the point.

In a Reddit thread on the Overwatch subreddit, one player simply stated, "I am begging you all to just get on point in Clash." This sentiment was widely echoed, with others sharing stories of sitting alone on the point while their teammates pushed the enemy deep into their spawn, completely ignoring the objective.

One commenter agreed, saying, "I was able to fully cap a point by myself while my team and the other team were fighting on the previous point. I kept waiting to be ganked, but it never came."

Fans Beg Team mates To Stay On Point
While fans are begging their teammates to capture the point on Clash mode, it's likely just a case of all players getting used to the new mode and knowing how to play it best. (Picture: Blizzard)

Another player remarked, "It’s amazing to me that players don’t notice the point is capped and a new one is open." Many others, including myself, have noticed that players are often spread out on Clash maps, not focusing on the point as they typically would.

As one Reddit commenter aptly summed up, "I thought it was just me. I’ve been losing my mind as Tank fighting for my life on point, looking back, and seeing the other four members of my team haven’t even walked through the doorway."

Of course, we understand that with a new mode, players need time to acclimate and figure out the best strategies. However, not getting on the point or at least contesting it is an odd learning curve for seasoned players. The issue seems less pronounced in Competitive games compared to Quick Play, so it's likely just a matter of time and familiarity before everyone gets better at Clash in Season 12