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Overwatch 2 Players Once Again Shine a Spotlight on Sombra, Demanding Nerfs

The stealthy hacker is once again in the hot seat, as players continue to demand nerfs for Sombra in Overwatch 2.
Overwatch 2 Players Once Again Shine a Spotlight on Sombra, Demanding Nerfs

Sombra has long been a divisive hero in Overwatch 2, primarily due to her kit. While technically intriguing, her abilities, especially the invisibility and virus combo, can be incredibly frustrating, particularly when used by a skilled player to delete your backline. With Season 12 now underway and the meta stabilizing, Sombra has again become a focal point of player criticism.

Many players, including those in the competitive scene, are voicing their ongoing frustration with Sombra and calling Blizzard to either nerf her abilities or consider a complete rework. Let’s dive into the specifics and explore why Overwatch 2 fans are so determined to see Sombra nerfed.

Overwatch 2 Players Once Again Shine a Spotlight on Sombra, Demanding Nerfs

Sombra has never been considered overpowered, but the frustration surrounding her kit comes from the fact that playing against a skilled Sombra often feels unfair. Her abilities, especially hacking and the virus combo can seem nearly impossible to counter.

Abilities and issues
The issues with Sombra stem from her kit being unfun to play against and often feeling unfair. (Picture: Blizzard)

Being Hacked, Virus-ed, and instantly deleted has become a common Overwatch 2 experience, one that many, myself included, find neither fun nor fair. It's hard not to let out a somber sigh when she appears on the enemy team (see what I did there?).

This disdain for Sombra spreads beyond casual players, with popular streamers like Jay3 banning her from his Overwatch 2 challenge series. Meanwhile, the CompetitiveOverwatch subreddit has also been filled with threads expressing frustration over her.

One post, in particular, captures many of the community's complaints. As a tank player, I can relate to the sentiment: "I'm tired of playing tank against a character that can just wait and press a zero-skill button to completely disrupt my plays. It requires the reactions of an F1 driver to interrupt and is on such a short cooldown she can just try again anyway in a few seconds."

Another player adds, “I’m tired of playing support against a character that can get into backline positions for free, then wait for me to stand still for a microsecond and virus+clip dump my head.” They go on, “I’m tired of her having an escape tool the second she’s pressured that is, in theory, trackable, but good Sombras usually have their escape route planned out well enough anyway.”

Possible fix and rework coming
While Sombra is still at large, it seems as though a fix or rework may be coming soon as the developers are aware of players concerns with Sombra. (Picture: Blizzard)

These comments highlight the core issue: while Sombra can be countered by skilled players, doing so feels more like a chore than an engaging challenge. One user sums it up perfectly: "I can play against her, I can deny her dives, I can occasionally kill her but when that's all I'm doing for an entire game it's fucking tiresome and not at all fun."

Despite the frustration, some players remain hopeful. One user noted, "I agree and I think the devs see it too, fortunately. I'm being a bit patient with Sombra at the moment because the devs have basically said she's getting another rework of sorts without permanent Invis."

This optimism isn't unfounded, as the developers have mentioned plans to address Sombra’s pain points in the past. With the meta now stabilizing, D.Va's reign of terror addressed, and tank balance restored, now might be the perfect time for Blizzard to make the necessary adjustments.