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Debate Ignites as Marvel Rivals' Intros Are Compared to Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 fans are engaged in a heated debate as some compare the intros of the newly arrived Marvel Rivals to those of Overwatch 2, urging Blizzard to improve.
Debate Ignites as Marvel Rivals' Intros Are Compared to Overwatch 2
Blizzard / NetEase Games & Marvel Games

The closed beta for the highly anticipated Marvel Rivals has finally arrived, with select players diving into the third-person hero shooter action and getting their first feel for the game. However, almost immediately, fans noticed the cosmetic differences between it and other popular hero shooters, with Overwatch 2 being the main comparison.

In response, players have criticized Blizzard for their "embarrassing" cosmetics compared to those in Marvel Rivals, while others have defended Overwatch 2. Let's take a closer look at the details of this emerging debate and see if any concrete conclusions can be drawn.

Marvel Rivals' Cosmetics and Intros Are Compared to Overwatch 2 And Fans Are Calling Blizzard Out

During the closed beta for Marvel Rivals, many players have had the chance to explore this new Marvel-themed third-person hero shooter, both in terms of gameplay and aesthetics. This has sparked a heated conversation and comparison, as beta participants have started comparing the visuals and cosmetics to the popular hero shooter Overwatch 2.

In a recent post on X by user jayjaybeastie, they compiled highlight intros from Overwatch 2 and MVP clips from Marvel Rivals. For those unfamiliar, both highlight intros and MVP clips are short animations that play before a highlight reel at the end of a match. 

Jayjaybeastie then strongly stated, "This is genuinely embarrassing Blizzard," pointing out the stark differences between Overwatch 2’s highlight intros and Marvel Rivals' MVP clips, implying that Marvel Rivals’ clips are superior. Others quickly chimed in with their own opinions, many expressing frustration at what they perceived as a decline in Blizzard's quality.

Fans step forward to bemoan Overwatch 2's Intros compared to Marvel Rivals MVPs
Fans are highlighting the MVP animations in Marvel Rivals are far more enjoyable than the Intro Highlights in Overwatch 2. (Picture: NetEase Games & Marvel Games)

“The Transformers collab showed that they’re capable of making good highlight intros, so it’s kinda baffling to me that they just don’t do that,” one user argued. “The Mei one is so bad that it’s funny,” replied another. While the point about Marvel Rivals' MVP clips being more vibrant and exciting than the Overwatch intros is valid, other commenters defended Overwatch 2, adding another layer to the discussion.

“This isn’t a fair comparison. These highlight intros are more toned down than others. A lot of characters have amazing highlight intros,” one user countered. And we agree, for instance, that the Mei intro shown is one of the more subdued ones compared to her more lively and energetic intros. Which we argue highlights the need for a nuanced discussion when it comes to comparing these two titles.

We will need to see how the MVPs stand the test of time against Overwatch 2
Overwatch 2 Intros are still beloved to this day, so we'll have to wait and see how well the MVP clips in Marvel Rivals stand up to the test of time and if this argument holds firm. (Picture: Blizzard)

Overall, it’s clear that Marvel Rivals’ MVP clips are captivating and have been well-received by players, while many of Overwatch 2's intros have performed well historically and even up until now. Perhaps the familiarity with Overwatch 2's clips has led to desensitization, making Marvel Rivals’ fresh content more appealing. Only time will tell how well Marvel Rivals’ MVP clips are received post-release and if Overwatch 2’s intros will continue to be appreciated.