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Overwatch 2 Developers Consider Introducing Mirrorwatch Abilities in the Future

In a recent AMA, the devs at Blizzard confirmed that they are interested in bringing back Mirrorwatch abilities to Oveerwtach 2, but it won't happen any time soon
Overwatch 2 Developers Consider Introducing Mirrorwatch Abilities in the Future

Season 10 of Overwatch 2 is in full swing, and while the previous mid-season patch addressed several issues, the developers are still actively listening to player feedback. In a recent AMA (Ask Me Anything), the developers answered many questions from players, including whether abilities from the previous Mirrorwatch event could return.

The answer to this question is somewhat multifaceted and not as straightforward as we'd like, but we did get an answer. Let's discuss the developers' response to this question below and gain some insight into the possible introduction of Mirrorwatch abilities into the base game of Overwatch 2.

Overwatch 2 Developers Open to Future Introduction of Mirrorwatch Abilities, But Not Anytime Soon

The recent Reddit AMA allowed players to ask Overwatch 2’s Lead Hero Designer, Alec Dawson, many questions about the game and its future. One player inquired whether the developers were secretly testing any upcoming heroes with Mirrorwatch’s reimagined abilities.

Dawson responded, "No secret testing of anything upcoming in the immediate! We do look at how some changes play out, though, when they become more real and get lots of games.This answer aligns with expectations, indicating that Blizzard is on a specific track with their planned updates but remains open to spontaneous additions or changes in the future.

He further mentioned that they have internally tested the new passive ability Reinhardt received in Mirrorwatch, Frenzy, which increases attack speed when dealing damage with Rocket Hammer. However, they found it challenging to integrate into the base game. Dawson also noted that it would be "funto see Bastion’s reimagined ultimate from Mirrorwatch, which deployed four slicers from the sky instead of artillery shells, but felt it would become too "loud."

Overwatch 2 Devs Consider Mirrowatch Abilities In Future
The developers have been playing around with some Mirrorwatch abilities and seeing how they play out in the base game, but they appear to be challenging to balance. (Picture: Blizzard)

"It’s always good to see what players get excited about when there are more wacky ideas such as Mirrorwatch or April Fool’s,Dawson said about the game modes. "Some of those could become real down the line.This statement reinforces the idea that the developers are open to fan-requested content in the future, which is exciting to hear.

Although Mirrorwatch was a limited-time mode and the chances of other changes returning soon are slim, it’s encouraging to know that Blizzard is open to reintroducing some changes or game modes in the future. However, they would need to balance these changes carefully, as balancing characters like Sombra is already challenging, let alone with her Mirrorwatch counterpart. Additionally, these abilities would need to be balanced with the rest of the roster.

Overwatch 2 Devs Consider Mirrowatch Abilities In Future Concerns
Considering that characters like Sombra are so hard to balance even now, it's likely that we'll only get Mirrorwatch counterpart abilities in the far future if at all. (Picture: Blizzard)

In summary, while there are no immediate plans to bring Mirrorwatch abilities back, the developers are open to the idea. However, players should be aware that the balancing and tweaking required to make these changes fun and playable is quite demanding, so it may be a while before we see them return. Nonetheless, we can remain hopeful.