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Fans Cheer as Blizzard Readies Ban Wave for Overwatch 2 Console Players Using Mouse and Keyboard

Blizzard is gearing up for a major ban wave targeting Overwatch 2 players using keyboard and mouse on consoles. Here are the key details you should know.
Fans Cheer as Blizzard Readies Ban Wave for Overwatch 2 Console Players Using Mouse and Keyboard

Given the widespread popularity and large player base of Overwatch 2, it's no secret that the game faces significant challenges with hackers and cheaters. One prevalent form of cheating involves players using a keyboard and mouse setup while playing Overwatch 2 on consoles, which provides them with superior control and takes advantage of the aim assist feature inherent to console gaming.

Fortunately, it appears that Blizzard is taking decisive action against this issue by implementing a wave of bans targeting these players. The community is highly satisfied with the outcomes so far. Therefore, let's take a moment to examine this ban wave and its implications for the future of fairness and balance in Overwatch 2.

Fans Cheer as Blizzard Readies Ban Wave for Overwatch 2 Console Players Using Mouse and Keyboard

In a recent developer blog post addressing the issue of unauthorized peripherals on consoles, Senior Game Producer Adam Massey discusses the company's efforts to combat cheaters who use such devices, specifically keyboards and mice, in console matches. The primary tool in this battle is a long-standing XIM detection system, which has been quietly gathering data for analysis by developers to refine and enhance its effectiveness in detecting keyboard and mouse usage on consoles.

Blizzard Prepares To Ban Console Players Using KBM In Overwatch 2 How It orks
Blizzard has been quietly gathering data to detect players using KBM on console and plans to drill down on them in Season 11 with bans if they are detected. (Picture: Blizzard)

Through their analysis, developers have found that this problem is more prevalent among high-ranking players in the Grand Master and Champion tiers compared to lower-ranked players in the Bronze to Platinum tiers. Armed with this data and improved detection software, Blizzard plans to implement stricter measures after Season 10 concludes and we dive into Season 11. 

Players caught using unauthorized peripherals on consoles will face a one-week ban from Competitive play. However, they will still have access to Quick Play during this period, albeit with the loss of aim assist—a concession deemed fair considering the disproportionate impact on higher-ranking players.

Blizzard Prepares To Ban Console Players Using KBM In Overwatch 2 Revival of Console
We will have to see how this ban wave pans out in Season 11, but we're hopeful that it will revive Overwatch 2 popularity and balance on consoles. (Picture: Blizzard)

If offenders discontinue using unauthorized peripherals, the ban will be lifted, but if they persist, they will not only be barred from Competitive play but also matched with other keyboard and mouse users in Quick Play for the entire season, without access to aim to assist. Despite these consequences, players are optimistic about this development, anticipating a revitalization of the Overwatch 2 community on consoles, which has long been plagued by keyboard and mouse users.

While the effectiveness of this ban wave remains to be seen, players, along with Blizzard, are hopeful that it marks the beginning of a more equitable and fair gaming experience for all console players in Overwatch 2's future.