If you’ve played your share of Outriders, then you’ll have undoubtedly come across the nearly inescapable clutches of enemy snipers.
While there are a wide range of enemy types in Outriders, the snipers are arguably the most difficult to deal with. Sure, Elite enemies are going to take more time to bring down thanks to their high health and abilities but the snipers are holed up behind cover and can shoot you whenever they desire.
This is especially evident when you’re backed up behind cover and you have an Elite on one side and a sniper on the other. You want to move to avoid the Elite but know the sniper is just waiting for you to pop your head out in the open.
Enemy snipers are wreaking havoc for some Outriders players. (Picture: Square Enix)
The laser-wielding opponents are incredibly powerful, shutting down your ability to move throughout an area whenever you want. They never seem to miss and can keep you in cover for seconds on end. Of course, there are ways to avoid the lasers, as you can roll into cover or simply wait for them to shoot and reload their weapon behind their own bit of cover.
However, if they’re dozens of metres away, you can’t simply throw a grenade or shoot at them. They can shoot you insanely quickly and deal massive amounts of damage, especially at higher World Tiers and during the post-game Expeditions. One Redditor even states that they are being one-shot killed by a certain sniper in an Expedition mission.
It’s unclear if People Can Fly meant for the snipers to be this powerful but many Outriders players are calling for the enemies to be nerfed. At the very least, players want the chance to avoid a shot and move around an area more effectively. This would make dealing with other enemies much easier but still have the constant threat of being shot at by the lasered sniper.
Outriders has its fair share of problems and bugs right now though, so this problem isn’t likely high up on the developers’ to-do list. However, fans still think it should be addressed in a future update.