Throughout your time in Outriders, you’ll be offered bounties for several Enoch creatures. These bounties are given to you by Noah in Trench Town and offer some great rewards upon completion.
One of the bounties on offer is Coldclaw, who is located in Eagle Peaks. A Screecher, Coldclaw is a nasty bird that uses the freezing atmosphere to its advantage. While it’s not particularly difficult to beat, it can become increasingly challenging the higher your World Tier advances.
Today, we’ll go over how to unlock the Coldclaw bounty and how to defeat it once you get to its location.
Finding and defeating Coldclaw in Outriders
Coldclaw in Outriders. (Picture: Square Enix)
To start the Coldclaw quest, you need to first talk to Grans Marshal Corrigan in Trench Town. Once you’ve spoken to him, you can then enter the bar in Trench Town and talk to Noah the bartender. He’ll tell you about some dangerous creatures in Enoch that need taking down so he can hang up their trophies on his wall.
Once this is done, you can go to your truck map, accessed by talking to Jakub, and see the locations with hunting bounties active. This will be represented by a hunting icon under each location’s name.
Coldclaw is located at Eagle Peaks, so travel there from the truck map after talking to Jakub and then head down the icy path. Eventually, you’ll come across a carcass with an exclamation point next to it. Simply interact with the corpse and you’ll begin tracking Coldclaw.
Once you reach it, some Perforo will attack you ahead of the fight with the Screecher. Defeat the small enemies and then Coldclaw will emerge from its hole.
Coldclaw in Outriders. (Picture: Square Enix)
All in all, as long as you have a solid assault rifle or double gun, the fight with Coldclaw shouldn’t take too long. It has a couple of aerial attacks that are fairly straightforward to dodge and it doesn’t deal too much damage on top of that. If you’re at close range, you just need to dodge its lunge attacks that occur quite often. However, using an AR or double gun and aiming for its head is the easiest route.
Once Coldclaw is defeated, take its trophy back to Noah and you’ll have your choice of three rewards.