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NHL 25 Controls Guide for Offense, Defense, Fighting, and Goalie

Get a handle on all the NHL 25 controls for offense, defense, fighting, and goalie before you hit the ice.
NHL 25 Controls Guide for Offense, Defense, Fighting, and Goalie
GINX/Patches Chance

Now that the latest installment has arrived, both new and veteran players are looking to get acquainted with all the NHL 25 controls. There weren't quite as many big system overhauls since NHL 24, but a few areas got refined throughout the past year via updates and in tweaks to NHL 25.

Considering the sheer volume of complex dekes and shots you might want to try, having a reference at hand will make a big difference. We've got full details in this NHL 24 controls guide about how to handle offense, faceoffs, defense, goalie, fighting, net battles, and coaching adjustments.

NHL 25 Controls Guide, All Changes From NHL 24

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This franchise got a big engine overhaul as well as the debut of Total Control last year, and all of that is back with a little bit of extra polish. The NHL 25 controls will feel very familiar to NHL 24 players, but here are the main changes you need to be aware of: A (on Xbox) or X (on PlayStation) will no longer do the One Handed Tuck and instead is for a Reverse Hit, and pressing the Right Stick will now trigger a Leg Kick instead of a Reverse Hit.

While the rest of the controls remain the same, the defensive hit system got revamped with multiple factors determining the impact of each hit and how long it takes an opposing player to get back to their feet. Some AI improvements and overall gameplay tuning will also be felt across all NHL 25 game modes.

There are a few NHL 25 controller settings you can adjust, but the main one will be deciding between the Total Control system (which we'll be outlining here), the classic Skill Stick mechanics, or a hybrid option. We recommend starting with Total Control and Camera Relative shooting controls unless you're a veteran who was using one of the other options heavily last year. There are also a few goalie specific settings, and you can find more details on those below alongside the goalie controls.

NHL 25 Offense Controls

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Here are all of the NHL 25 offense controls: 

Offensive Move NHL 25 Xbox Controls NHL 25 PlayStation Controls
Skating / Shot & Pass Aim Move Left Stick Move Left Stick
Hustle Press Left Stick Press L3
Protect Puck Press Left Stick + Move Right Stick to the Left or to the Right Press L3 + Move Right Stick to the Left or to the Right
Glide Release Left Stick Release Left Stick
Vision Control Hold LT Hold L2
Slap Shot Move Right Stick Down and then Up Move Right Stick Down and then Up
Wrist Shot Move Right Stick Down then Roll Up Move Right Stick Down then Roll Up
Snap Shot Move Right Stick Up Move Right Stick Up
Desperation Shot Double Tap Right Stick Up Double Tap Right Stick Up
Fake Shot LB + Press Right Stick L2 + Press R3
Pass (hold for more strength) Press or Hold RT Press or Hold R2
Saucer Pass Press RB Press R1
Icon Passing Hold RT Hold R2
Desperation Pass Double Tap RT Double Tap R2
Cancel Pass While Holding RT, Press RB + LB While Holding R2, Press R1 + L1
Deke Move Right Stick Left or Right  
Quick Deke Tap LB Tap L1
Finesse Deke Hold LB then Release Hold L1 then Release
Spin Press LT Press L2
Leg Kick
Press Right Stick Press R3
Dump Puck Press RB + Move Right Stick Up Press R1 + Move Right Stick Up
Win Faceoff Move Right Stick Move Right Stick
Toe Drag Move Right Stick Downward Left between 6 o' clock and 9 o' clock positions then rotate counter clockwise Move Right Stick Downward Left between 6 o' clock and 9 o' clock positions then rotate counter clockwise 
Backhand Toe Drag Press X Press Square
Backhand Toe Drag Flip Hold X + Press RB Press Square + Press R1
Backhand Toe Drag Shot Hold X then Release Hold Square then Release
Backhand Toe Drag Fake Press Y + Press LB Press Triangle + Press L1
One Handed Pass Hold A then Press RT or RB Hold X then Press R2 or R1
One Handed Shot Hold A then Release Hold X then Release
One Handed Fake Press A + Press LB Press X + Press L1
Between-the-Legs Saucer Pass Hold B + Press RB Hold Circle + Press R1
Between-the-Legs Pass Hold B + Press RT Hold Circle + Press R2
Between-the-Legs Shot Hold B then Release Hold Circle then Release
Slip Deke (near boards) Press LB Press L1
Board-bank Self-pass (near boards) Press LB + Press RT Press L1 + Press R2
Behind-the-Net Self-pass (behind net) Press LB + Press RT Press L1 + Press R2
Drop Pass Press RB without moving Left Stick Press R1 without moving Left Stick
Stride Deke Press LB and Move Left Stick while gliding Press L1 and Move Left Stick while gliding
Backhand Flip Deke Move Right Stick towards Backhand then Press LB + Press RT Move Right Stick towards Backhand then Press L1 + Press R2
Forehand Flip Deke Move Right Stick towards Forehand then Press LB + Press RT Move Right Stick towards Forehand then Press L1 + Press R2
Lacrosse Deke Hold Y then Release Hold Triangle then Release
Lacrosse Flip Pass Hold Y then Press RB Hold Triangle then Press R1
Lacrosse Fake Press Y + Press LB Press Triangle + Press L1
Backhand Tap Back Deke Move Right Stick Right + Press LB + Move Right Stick Left + Move Left Stick Right + Move Right Stick Right Move Right Stick Right + Press L1 + Move Right Stick Left + Move Left Stick Right + Move Right Stick Right 
Forehand Tap Back Deke Move Right Stick Downward Left between 6 o' clock and 9 o' clock positions then rotate counter clockwise + Press LB + Move Right Stick Right + Move Left Stick Left + Move Right Stick Right Move Right Stick Downward Left between 6 o' clock and 9 o' clock positions then rotate counter clockwise + Press L1 + Move Right Stick Right + Move Left Stick Left + Move Right Stick Right 
Jump Deke Hold LB then Move Right Stick Up Hold L1 then Move Right Stick Up
Skate Kick Deke Hold LB then Move Right Stick Down Hold L1 then Move Right Stick Down
Through The Legs Deke Press LB then Move Right Stick Downward Left between 6 o' clock and 9 o' clock positions then rotate counter clockwise  Press L1 then Move Right Stick Downward Left between 6 o' clock and 9 o' clock positions then rotate counter clockwise 
Cancel Deke Press LB Press L1
Chop Puck Press Right Stick then Move Right Stick Press Right Stick then Move Right Stick 

NHL 25 Faceoff Controls

Here are all of the NHL 25 faceoff controls you'll need:

Faceoff Move NHL 25 Xbox Controls NHL 25 PlayStation Controls
Select Grip Move Right Stick Left or Move Right Stick Right Move Right Stick Left or Move Right Stick Right 
Tie-Up Move Left Stick Up Move Left Stick Up
Stick Lift Move Right Stick Up Move Right Stick Up
Win Straight Back Move Right Stick Down Move Right Stick Down
Faceoff Shot Move Right Stick Up without selecting a grip Move Right Stick Up without selecting a grip
Faceoff Deke Press LB + Move Right Stick Up without selecting a grip Press L1 + Move Right Stick Up without selecting a grip 

NHL 25 Defense Controls

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Here are the NHL 25 defensive controls you need to know:

Defensive Move NHL 25 Xbox Controls NHL 25 PlayStation Controls
Skate Move Left Stick Move Left Stick
Hustle Press Left Stick while going straight Press L3 while going straight
Glide Release Left Stick Release Left Stick
Vision Control Hold LT Hold L2
Switch Player Press RT Press R2
Manual Switch Player Hold RT + Move Right Stick Hold R2 + Move Right Stick
Cancel Manual Switch Player Hold RT + Press LB Hold R2 + Press L1
Manual Switch Player (Last Man Back) Hold RT + Press Right Stick Hold R2 + Press R3
Push Check Move Right Stick Up Move Right Stick Up
Shoulder Check Move Right Stick Down and then Move Right Stick Up Move Right Stick Down and then Move Right Stick Up
Board Pin Hold Y Hold Triangle
Hip Check Hold X Hold Square
Poke Check Press RB Press R1
Sweep Stick Hold RB then Move Right Stick Hold R1 then Move Right Stick
Chop Puck Press Right Stick then Move Right Stick Press R3 then Move Right Stick
Desperation Clear Double Tap Right Stick Up Double Tap Right Stick Up
Pass Block + Sweep Stick Press LB then Move Right Stick Left or Move Right Stick Right Press L1 then Move Right Stick Left or Move Right Stick Right
Stick Lift Press A Press X
Tie Up Stick Hold A Hold X
Block Pass Press LB Press L1
Dive / Block Press LB + Press RB Press L1 + Press R1
Slash Press LT + Press Y after whistle Press L2 + Press Triangle after whistle
Initiate Net Battle (in open ice) Hold Y Hold Triangle

NHL 25 Goalie Controls

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Before we outline the NHL 25 goalie controls, there are a few controller settings you need to consider. We'll be going over the Default scheme here, but choosing Alternate will swap several controls linked to triggers and bumpers and should be checked via Goalie Controls in Controller Settings if you make that change. Human Goalie Covers and Hug Post can be left on Auto, but players wanting full control of every move they make at goalie should set them to Manual.

Lastly, the Tether setting will determine whether your goalie naturally tethers themselves to a central location at the net. When you release the Left Stick and other buttons, your goalie will automatically pull back to the tether location to reset. Turning this off will mean that releasing buttons will instead leave you in your present location and requires you to manually return to the center of the net.

Now, here are all the NHL 25 goalie controls:

Goalie Move NHL 25 Xbox Controls NHL 25 PlayStation Controls
Move Goalie Move Left Stick Move Left Stick
Challenge Press Left Stick or Press LB Press L3 or Press L1
Butterfly Hold RT Hold R2
Hug Post Left Move Left Stick Left (if on Manual, Hold LB then Move Left Stick Left) Move Left Stick Left (if on Manual, Hold L1 then Move Left Stick Left)
Hug Post Right Move Left Stick Right (if on Manual, Hold LB then Move Left Stick Right) Move Left Stick Right (if on Manual, Hold L1 then Move Left Stick Right)
Hug Post (VH) Hold RT while in Hug Post Hold R2 while in Hug Post
INSTINCT Press LT Press L2
Diving Save Press X then Move Left Stick Left or Right OR Press RB then Move Left Stick Left or Right Press Square then Move Left Stick Left or Right OR Press R1 then Move Left Stick Left or Right
Diving Poke Check Press X then Move Left Stick Up Press Square then Move Left Stick Up
Spread V Move Right Stick Away From Puck Move Right Stick Away From Puck
Stack Pads Press B then Move Left Stick Left or Right Press Circle then Move Left Stick Left or Right
Butterfly Slides Move Right Stick Lateral to Puck Move Right Stick Lateral to Puck
Poke Check Move Right Stick Up or Press Right Stick Move Right Stick Up or Press R3
Cover Puck Hold Y Hold Triangle
Free Skate Press A Press X
Dump Puck Move Right Stick Up Move Right Stick Up
Pass Puck Press RT Press R2
Leave Puck for Teammate Press LT Press L2

NHL 25 Fighting Controls

Here are all the NHL 25 fighting controls you need to know:

Fighting Move NHL 25 Xbox Controls NHL 25 PlayStation Controls
Initiate/Accept Fight Double Tap Y Double Tap Triangle
Grab Hold LT Hold L2
Fake Grab Press LT Press L2
Overhand Punch Move Right Stick Up Move Right Stick Up
Uppercut Move Right Stick Down Move Right Stick Down
Push Move Left Stick Up Move Left Stick Up
Pull Move Left Stick Down Move Left Stick Down
Block/Lean Back Hold RT Hold R2
Dodge Press RT Press R2

NHL 25 Coaching Adjustments & Net Battle Controls

Finally, here are the NHL 25 coaching controls you need to know:

Coaching Adjustment
NHL 25 Xbox Controls NHL 25 PlayStation Controls
Forecheck D-Pad Up D-Pad Up
Breakout D-Pad Down D-Pad Down
Defensive Line Change D-Pad Left D-Pad Left
Offensive Line Change D-Pad Right D-Pad Right

Here are the NHL 25 Net Battle controls if you're the behind player:

Net Battle (Behind Player)
NHL 25 Xbox Controls NHL 25 PlayStation Controls
Engage in Net Battle Hold Y Hold Triangle
Switch Sides Hold Y then Move Left Stick Hold Triangle then Move Left Stick
Stick Lift Press A Press X
Stick Tie Up Hold A Hold X
Shove Move Right Stick Move Right Stick
Push Move and Hold Left Stick Move and Hold Left Stick

Lastly, those in Net Battles as the front player should use these NHL 25 controls:

Net Battle (Front Player)
NHL 25 Xbox Controls NHL 25 PlayStation Controls
Engage in Net Battle Press LT and Move Left Stick Press L2 and Move Left Stick
Shrug Off Move Right Stick Move Right Stick
Push Move Left Stick Move Left Stick
Spin Press LT Press L2

That wraps up all the NHL 25 controls across every different facet of the game that players will need this year. If you're struggling to get any of these down while in an active game, spend some time in the training and practice modes. Free Skate is fantastic for practicing complex dekes or shots, and Team Practice will help fine tune other things like passing. It'll take some time to really master some moves, but you can use this guide as a reference any time you need a refresher.