The sequel to the beloved 3Ds over-the-top action RPG, Fantasy Life, is finally gearing up for a global release three years after its Japanese launch. Originally developed by Level-5, the studio most notably known for the Ni no Kuni games, Fantasy Life Online western port is developed at Boltrend games.
Similar to its 3DS predecessor, Fantasy Life Online features real-time combat with the option to either play solo or team up with three other players online.
With three different classes and twelve subclasses, Fantasy Life Online has a lot to offer. Fans looking to finally dive into the sequel might be wondering when they can finally get their hands on it, and while an official release date has yet to be confirmed, a recent app store listing gives an indication of when that could happen.
What is Fantasy Life Online's release date?
Level-5 and Boltrend have not yet announced a release date for Fantasy Life Online's global release though pre-registrations for the same went live on Google Play Store and Apple store on 27th October 2021.
According to the website Touch Arcade, an app store listing points to a 7th December 2021 release date, though at the time of this writing, no such listing is evident.
Various app stores tend to put placeholder dates on upcoming releases, so there's a possibility that the 7th December release date for Fantasy Life Online is also the same.
Interestingly enough, Level-5 announced on 15th November that it's ending services for Fantasy Life Online in Japan. It could be in preparation for the game's global launch, or it could just be purely coincidental.
Fantasy Life Online features
Fantasy Life Online allow players to choose and play through 12 different lives (subclasses) spread across three different classes. These different classes - Adventure, Field Search, Village - offers unique gameplay experiences, with players having the option to switch between different class anytime in the game.
Aside from completing story missions and fighting gigantic bosses, players can build and design their villages. Unlike its 3DS counterpart, there’s much more emphasis on exploration and world-building this time around.
Fantasy Life Online device requirements
Fantasy Life Online is coming to Android and iOS devices. At the time of this writing, the official system requirements are not specified though we will make sure to update the article as soon as it’s available.
In the meantime, fans can visit the official Fantasy Life Online Boltrend website and claim the following items that will reflect in their accounts after the game's global launch:
- x1 Divine Summon Coin
- x5 XP Orb(M)
- x2000 Dosh
So there you have it, everything we know so far about Fantasy Life Online.
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Featured image courtesy of Level-5.