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Marvel Snap Players Baffled By Brooklyn Bridge Location Change Visual Bug

Traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge comes to a screeching halt, causing players to panic over a visual bug that appears after the location changes in Marvel Snap.
Marvel Snap Players Baffled By Brooklyn Bridge Location Change Visual Bug
(Picture: Second Dinner)

Marvel Snap's September 2024 season, "The Amazing Spider-Season," adds a few more locations to its rotation when participating in Friendly Battles or Conquest matches. The first newly added location, the Brooklyn Bridge, is the Featured Location for 24 hours from 11th September 2024, which has a requirement that may benefit move cards for a limited time.

The Brooklyn Bridge location in Marvel Snap limits players from playing cards at its location for two consecutive turns, so Snappers must think outside the box to get cards into this location (hello, Jeff the Baby Land Shark). However, a visual bug caught Snappers in a web of confusion when the Brooklyn Bridge location was changed, leaving some frustrated and unable to play.

The first of two new locations, the Brooklyn Bridge, arrived to Marvel Snap on 11th September 2024 as the game's Featured Location for 24 hours as Snappers get to grips with the location's mechanics. However, Snappers have noticed a visual bug appearing in-game when the Brooklyn Bridge location changes when playing cards like Nocturne, Scarlet Witch, Storm, or Magik, the latter card being the subject of posts on the Marvel Snap subreddit.

According to one description provided on a Reddit post, one player had played "Psylocke and Gwenpool on Turn 6 (T6)... Brooklyn Bridge had been changed to Limbo on T5." Since the location "was not Brooklyn Bridge when [they] played there, but it would not let me play cards on Limbo T7."

They further added that while they "didn't want to play" on the Limbo location "anyway" as they wanted to play Arnim Zola on "Symbiote Spider-Man, so it didn't matter," their opponent had opted to retreat, but "would've been pissed if a card had needed to go there." Some of the comments on this specific post claimed that this may have just been an annoying "visual effect" that remains in play despite the location change and that it won't prevent players from "playing cards there."

Another related post on the subreddit claimed that despite the Brooklyn bridge changing to Limbo, the player couldn't "play cards there two turns in a row." In our playtesting, we managed to get Magik in our starting hand and had the Brooklyn Bridge as the revealed location on Turn 1, allowing us to play the card on Turn 3.

After changing the Brooklyn Bridge location, we can confirm that we didn't experience the reported visual bug players have called out online, which we're happy to report, and can continue playing cards on the Limbo location in the following turns. It's not clear why certain players have experienced this visual bug in-game, but we advise players to check if they have updated the game for their preferred platform (Android, iOS, or PC via Steam), and should the issue persist, they can move forward and log a support ticket.

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