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Best Valentina Decks In Marvel Snap

Upon arrival, the Countess will align herself with interesting characters as we detail the best Valentina synergies and decks in Marvel Snap.
Best Valentina Decks In Marvel Snap
(Picture: Second Dinner / GINX)

Madam Hydra, or Countess Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, is finally making her in-game debut, bringing some venomous bite to Marvel Snap. As confirmed to be the final card drop of the current Thunderbolts season, she presents an interesting scenario due to her ability to cause major disruption to playstyle and strategy.

Nevertheless, Val is seemingly unbothered by this notion, but if players are looking for a new disruption card, she might be the card to get. We've compiled all the relevant information in this guide on Valentina, including her abilities, the best synergies, and decks to try in Marvel Snap

Marvel Snap Valentina Card Abilities Explained

As the Thunderbolts season is coming to an end for Marvel Snap, the final card drop will become available in-game. A triple agent who, in Marvel Comics, had success in infiltrating some of the most powerful organizations, Valentina Allegra de Fontaine (or call her Val) is not only an extremely trained super spy but has some interesting allies and enemies whom she's anticipating in teaming with in Marvel Snap.

Valentina is a two-Cost and three-Power card with an interesting ability that can be good or bad for players. This card has an On Reveal ability that randomly adds a 6 Cost card to the player's hand, but it reduces its cost by two and Power by three.

The game has 27 six-Cost cards with ranging On Reveal and Ongoing abilities that can alter the game in their favor or their opponent's. As for acquiring Valentina, she'll be available for her release week's Spotlight Caches, in which players must spend Spotlight Keys to unlock these caches.

However, if they don't have a Spotlight Key, they can spend 6,000 Collector's Tokens to get this card from the in-game Shop. With that said, let's introduce some unique decks players can slot Valentina into the decks at launch in Marvel Snap:

Best Marvel Snap Valentina Card Decks: Val Zemo Mill

Valentina may find its place in Loki decks due to her synergizing with a handful of cards, including Quinjet and Mockingbird. (Picture: Untapped.gg)

As evident over the last few weeks, Mill decks have been increasingly utilized in battles thanks to the release of Baron Zemo. Valentina will likely want to align herself with Zemo in this new iteration of the Mill deck archetype from Marvel Snap content creator Its GuestGaming.

With Mill decks primarily concerned themselves with burning through their opponent's deck relatively quickly, several cards in this deck will aid in this endeavor. Yondu, Cable, Baron Zemo, and Gladiator will burn through their opponent's deck to interfere with their deck before Mockingbird can be played.

With Quinjet discounting cards' costs and Loki giving them the addition to get their opponent's starting deck at a reduced cost, they'll be able to play more cards per turn at a lower cost. Valentina also adds a random six-Cost card at a reduced cost and power for which more than half have some impressive value.

Best Marvel Snap Valentina Card Decks: Toxic Valentina

With the potential of Valentina drawing a random negative power card to their hand, Luke Cage can be played to negate this effect. (Picture: Untapped.gg)

Toxic decks are another suitable deck archetype to slot Valentina in, as she could generate a negative power card in their hand. Especially since Toxic and Junk deck archetypes have been seen more prevalently in-game, this Toxic deck lives up to her name as Madam Hydra.

This Toxic deck is from Marvel Snap content creator Drewberry as the primary strategy is to get Valentina on board once Zabu is played to reduce Wong's cost. This will allow them to play Hazmat, Absorbing Man, and Odin, which they'll need to have Luke Cage to prevent getting afflicted by the negative power.

Once Valentina generates a random 6-Cost card, it could be afflicted by a negative power like Arnim Zola, Blob, Knull, and Leader. If they want to try their luck with Valentina again, they can play Beast at her location to get her back at a reduced cost the next turn.

Best Marvel Snap Valentina Card Decks: Val Bounces Around

Valentina can be utilized as a ramp fodder to power The Collector and Werewolf By Night. (Picture: Untapped.gg)

Finally, another unique deck from Marvel Snap content creator Its GuestGaming is placing Valentina in Bounce decks. While this deck is relatively low in cost, it makes up for it by synergizing several cards, such as Kitty Pryde, Angela and The Collector, Valentina and Quinjet, and Loki.

The main priority is to grow Angela, The Collector, and Werewolf By Night's power, which can be achieved as they'll have plenty of cards returning to their hand. Simultaneously, Valentina synergizes well with The Collector as card generation gradually builds up its power and will get a random card to their hand like Mirage.

This deck is hugely appealing due to its low-cost cards, which are utilized as ramp pieces to set up Kitty Pryde, Angela, The Collector, and Werewolf By Night. Werewolf By Night will be their centerpiece and undoubtedly the card to win the game if they've managed to draw the cards needed to succeed.

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