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Best Toxin Decks In Marvel Snap

Often springing into action to aid the likes of Spider-Man and Black Cat, Toxin is bouncin' into action as the new card release for Marvel Snap.
Best Toxin Decks In Marvel Snap
(Picture: Second Dinner / GINX)

The "We Are Venom" season is nearing its end as Marvel Snappers look to the venomous horizon as the upcoming season is right around the corner, but a few more cards are awaiting in the Token Shop or Spotlight Caches. Toxin is the second-to-last card release for the October 2024 season, with Anti-Venom being the final card, and Toxin has been gaining much attention, especially amongst pro Bounce players.

But do excuse its rather toxifying appearance as Toxin is one of the good guys, often springing into action on the pages of Marvel Comics alongside Spider-Man, Black Cat, Scream, and Agent Venom. Now officially arriving in Marvel Snap, here's everything to know about this symbiote, including a brief description of its ability, key synergies and counters, and three decks to try in-game.

Marvel Snap Toxin Card Abilities Explained

Patrick Mulligan's luck certainly didn't favor him well following his bizarre encounter with the symbiote, Carnage, as it implanted Patrick with its "other" offspring, which created Toxin as a result. Due to this unfortunate encounter, Patrick became forever haunted by these nightmares before learning and discovering his newly acquired abilities, which were used for good, and he often works alongside Spider-Man and Black Cat, a partnership that is now possible in Marvel Snap.

Following its release, Toxin is confirmed as a Series 5 card drop with a two-Cost and one Power card with impressive stats and a really strong ability that may bolster specific deck archetypes. Toxin comes charging into Marvel Snap with an On Reveal ability that returns all cards at its played location to their hand and gains +2 Power for every returning card.

Granted, players will immediately assume that Toxin is prime for Bounce decks; however, it can synergize well with non-Bounce decks like Destroy to get important cards back in their hand, like Carnage and Venom. Additionally, Toxin is a great counter to clog decks by returning the likes of The Hood (via Viper), Green Goblin, Hobgoblin, and, of course, the Widow's Kiss and Acid Arrow cards.

So, how can Snappers get their hands on this toxic symbiote? Well, Toxin is available from the Spotlight Caches, alongside Elsa Bloodstone and Zabu, ending on 29th October 2024 in-game, which it can also be obtained from the Token Shop for 6,000 Collector's Tokens, so do be alert on which resources they wish to part ways with.

Best Marvel Snap Toxin Decks: Agent In An Infinite Loop

Take Toxin on an infinite loop with this Hit-Monkey Bounce deck for a spin in Marvel Snap! (Picture: Untapped.gg)

Upon its release, maybe beforehand, Toxin was gaining massive attention for its potential within the Bounce archetype, which saw a spike in popularity following the releases of Sage and Silver Sable. This was further bolstered by Black Swan's reworking from an On Reveal to an Activate card, and now Toxin looks to inject more power into this archetype.

As Toxin is another Bouncer (cards that bounce other cards) with Falcon and Beast, it's currently the cheapest bouncing card, which also gains power due to its ability. Maximizing its ability is key in this bouncy deck from Marvel Snap content creator ReZ Snapper, which pairs Toxin, Falcon, and Beast with cards they need to bounce back while buffing power through Agent Venom.

So, which cards are we bouncing back? Prioritize cards that don't gain power through their ability, like The Hood and Iceman with Falcon, while Hawkeye, Silver Sable, Nico Minoru, and Rocket Raccoon with Toxin. This should allow Beast to bounce back Toxin to their hand, which can be used to bounce back Sage and Hit-Monkey for max power gained if they play their cards right.

Best Marvel Snap Toxin Decks: Milling For Toxin

Due to its flexibility, Toxin can also do wonder with Mill-style decks to bounce back cards like Yondu, Cable and Gladiator. (Picture: Untapped.gg)

We've highlighted a Bounce deck, but how does Toxin fair in other deck archetypes? The answer can be found within this miserable Mill deck, which received some prominence following Misery's release during the "We Are Venom" season. Toxin may feel more at home with key cards paired up with this symbiote.

What's great about this toxic double Mill deck from Marvel Snap content creator Docty is that pairing The Hood and Yondu with Misery will retrigger their abilities before destroying, which The Hood will be a disadvantage regarding location priority due to its negative power value. But in destroying two enemy cards and gaining two Demon decks, we can play out Cable and Baron Zemo before Toxin gets on board, or they can be played with Magik or Gladiator to thin out their opponent's hand and deck further.

Doc Ock can be best utilized to clog their locations by taking away any advantage they may have while saving Red Hulk for the last turn of play. Keeping Shang-Chi until the remaining turns can handle any high Powered cards at a location (if any), but do ensure that he's played if they have priority for that turn or if they have Toxin, play the card to return Shang-Chi to their hand.

Best Marvel Snap Toxin Decks: Cloggin' Toxin

Shhh... spice things up by bouncing back White Widow and Debrii to reduce your opponent's board space. (Picture: Untapped.gg)

We've mentioned how versatile Toxin can be outside of the Bounce archetype like Destroy and Mill decks, but what about the one that can be a counter against it? Clog decks are incredibly frustrating to play against, especially when one doesn't have the deck or cards to counter it, but Toxin can play both ways effectively and with decent to great success.

The main goal with Clog decks is to limit their opponent's board space, and there are a handful of cards can achieve this, but adding Toxin can produce venomous results. This clog-filled deck from Marvel Snap content creator DenHearthstone has this idea in mind by pairing a few clog packages to bounce back to their hand.

Since White Widow's reworking, the card has been seen more frequently when paired with Armor to prevent their opponent from destroying the Widow's Kiss or the card destroying itself with The Hood/Viper package also getting slots. Doc Ock and Cannonball can deal with another location before sending Green Goblin over, and Debrii is the key card to play Toxin, to bounce it back, and add more cards to the board space to decrease the board space further.

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