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Best Starbrand Decks In Marvel Snap

The Avengers may have the Incredible Hulk but the Prehistoric Avengers have their own behemoth, Starbrand, who's arrived to Marvel Snap!
Best Starbrand Decks In Marvel Snap
(Picture: Second Dinner / GINX)

We're two weeks into the March 2025 season of Marvel Snap, centered on the Prehistoric Avengers, and a new week welcomes yet another powerful card release. The next member to join the Sorcerer Supreme Agamotto is the behemoth Vnn, who was chosen by the Starbrand and assumed the mantle, using its powers to aid the Prehistoric Avengers in defeating all enemies who were a threat to Earth.

The Starbrand may have quite a confusing backstory to follow, as multiple characters have wielded its powers, but what's not confusing is the immense and destructive ability it possesses in Marvel Snap. This star-studded guide explains what we know about Starbrand, including its card ability, key synergies and top counters, and a few decks that feature this behemoth in Marvel Snap.

Marvel Snap Starbrand Card Abilities Explained

Starbrand's history throughout Marvel Comics has referred to it as a collection of powerful objects found in the world, and those powerful enough to wield these objects. While there has been a handful of characters who wielded these objects and named "Starbrand," one version of Starbrand's origins was when it chose a caveman named Vnn who teamed with Agamotto, Odin, Black Panther, the first Ghost Rider, and other noted heroes, forming the Prehistoric Avengers when Vnn discovered the Starbrand, and thus absorbing its power.

The character has appeared in Marvel Strike Force and, likewise, has arrived to Marvel Snap as the latest character card as part of the "Prehistoric Avengers" season. As confirmed by the game's developer, Second Dinner, Starbrand is a Series 5 card release with a stat line of three-Cost and ten Power, possessing a rather interesting ability.

Based on the ability's description, Starbrand has an Ongoing effect that gives opponents +3 Power "at each other location," which this ability gives opponents immediate priority with six Power across two locations. Due to this Ongoing ability, Starbrand synergizes with a handful of deck archetypes, including Sera Control, Surtur Slam, Sauron, Destroy, and Discard decks.

Nevertheless, Snappers looking to go big by playing cards with big numbers, Starbrand is available to acquire via the Spotlight Caches system, which they can use their keys to get the card potentially. Alternatively, they can spend 6,000 Collector's Tokens by purchasing the card from the Token Shop during its release week.

Best Marvel Snap Starbrand Decks: Don't Sauron On Shuri's Brand

Starbrand may be the best synergistic home within the Shuri/Sauron decks, using Zero, Sauron or Enchantress to remove its ability. (Picture: Second Dinner / Untapped.gg)

Starbrand's interesting Ongoing ability can be negated by Venom or removed by a few cards like Zero, Sauron, and Enchantress and specific locations like the Isle of Silence and Deep Space. At the same time, Starbrand also lends itself to the Shuri Sauron archetype, which has fallen on hard times due to various card nerfs but does synergize with various tech cards and, of course, Shuri herself.

This starry yet on-brand deck from Marvel Snap content creator Regis Killbin features the aforementioned cards in Zero, Sauron, and Enchantress, which can be used to remove Starbrand's Ongoing ability but is dependent on the luck of the draw. If Sauron isn't drawn to their hand, Zero can be used to remove the ability from either Ebony Maw, Lizard, or Starbrand to reserve Enchantress for Typhoid Mary and Red Skull.

As such, Typhoid Mary or Red Skull can be played on top of Shuri, leaving them with a few possible final turn outcomes. Enchantress on the Shuri and Typhoid Mary/Red Skull location to remove the Ongoing abilities here and Armor to safeguard Starbrand or play Taskmaster at an adjacent location to copy Typhoid Mary/Red Skull's doubled-up power to hopefully secure priority and a win over their opponent.

Best Marvel Snap Starbrand Decks: Control The Brand

While Starbrand may give opponents the "upper hand," Snappers can still take advantage of its Ongoing ability in a Sera Control deck. (Picture: Second Dinner / Untapped.gg)

Another deck archetype that could benefit from the inclusion of Starbrand is a Sera Control deck, which is based on the ability to discount card costs in hand using Sera. For this deck specifically, Zabu has been included, which discounts all four-Cost cards in the deck to make important cards more accessible.

This new iteration of the Sera Control deck from Marvel Snap content creator ReZ Snapper adds an interesting wrinkle in the form of the Green Goblin, which can be played at Starbrand's location to prevent their opponent from gaining priority. If Snappers are fortunate enough to draw Zabu at the start of the game, it can be played immediately, which ideally, Grandmaster plays into Zabu to retrigger its ability.

Turns 3, 4, and 5 can see Starbrand, Green Goblin, and Sera played at the exact location, which Sera will discount all cards in hand to make the playline on the final turn quite interesting. Should their opponent have priority, either Shadow King or Valkyrie could be played, Shang-Chi to target cards with ten Power and higher, Rogue or Enchantress to remove any Ongoing abilities from their opponent's cards (or played at the Starbrand and Sera location), and Hit-Monkey to gain +2 Power for all cards they've played on that turn.

Best Marvel Snap Starbrand Decks: A Starry Slam

Starbrand as a ten Power card? No problem! It's another viable card to insert into Surtur Slam decks. (Picture: Second Dinner / Untapped.gg)

Lastly, with Surtur receiving a buff in an update a few weeks ago, which removed its restriction limiting to only three ten Power cards but a slight nerf in which it gains +2 Power, Starbrand (as expected) is a great synergistic card within Surtur Slam decks. Surtur Slam decks mainly concern themselves with throwing down as much power into locations as evenly possible, which is achieved with multiple power-slamming cards, Starbrand included.

Marvel Snap content creator dddrewsky provides us with this power-hungry deck, which is built around Surtur, but it does require some setup to maximize each turn and spread power across locations. Zabu will be featured again, discounting four-Cost cards like Ares, Crossbones, and Cull Obsidian; the latter can be played at Zabu or Sam Wilson's Cap's Shield location.

To prevent Surtur, Ares, or the ten Power cards from their opponent's Shang-Chi, Armor can be played, and likewise, Cosmo in an adjacent location, allowing them to play their high-powered cards safely. This will also discount Skaar depending on how many ten Power cards are in play, and they'll also have Luke Cage prevent their cards from having their power reduced.

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