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Best Spider-Man Decks In Marvel Snap

Here are the best Spider-Man decks in Marvel Snap you can use to reach Infinite!
Best Spider-Man Decks In Marvel Snap

Spider-Man is one of the most instantly recognizable and beloved Marvel characters of all time. Naturally, when fans discovered the web-slinging superhero was available in Marvel Snap, they couldn't wait to use him! Spider-Man doesn't have the flashiest effect in Marvel Snap, but he can still prove to be a powerful threat if underestimated by your opponent. Spider-Man has a home in several decks, and here, we'll be taking a look at some of the best Spider-Man decks in Marvel Snap you can use to reach Infinite!

Best Spider-Man Decks In Marvel Snap

Spider-Man is a control card in Marvel Snap. His On Reveal ability prevents your opponent from playing cards at the same Location during their next turn. Spider-Man stands at a modest stat line of four Energy and three-power, which is in part to compensate for this game-swinging ability (no pun intended). As such, Spider-Man fits in nicely with most control archetypes meant to limit your opponent's movement options and shut down their overall game plan. 

Spider-Man + Zabu

Despite being such an iconic character in the Marvel Universe, Spider-Man was a fringe pick at best before the introduction of Zabu. However, thanks to the January Season Pass card, Spider-Man has seen a huge resurgence in popularity. This is because of the combo players can pull off by discounting four-cost cards in their hand down to do with Zabu's Ongoing effect. Then, it is possible to play Spider-Man in one lane to restrict your opponent from playing their next turn and follow this up with an Absorbing Man to do the same in another lane! 

Both of these cards cost four energy, so this combo would not be possible without Zabu's discounting effect. Thankfully, if you picked up Zabu in Season Pass, this deck is a cube-farming machine. 

Spider-Man + Zabu Deck List:

Spider-Man + Galactus

Despite being mortal enemies in the world of the MCU, Spider-Man, and Galactus go hand-in-hand in the world of Marvel Snap. The trick with this deck is to cheat Galactus out early with cards like Psylocke, Electro, and Wave. Then, after there is only one Location remaining, you can Spider-Man on the penultimate turn to guarantee your opponent keeps their current board state. 

Spider-Man + Galactus Deck List:

And these are some of the best Spider-Man decks in Marvel Snap!

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