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Best Helicarrier Decks In Marvel Snap

These are the best Helicarrier decks in Marvel Snap that you can use to reach Infinite!
Best Helicarrier Decks In Marvel Snap

With the announcement of the recent Series Drop in Marvel Snap, several cards have been downgraded from Series 4 and Series 5. One such card is Helicarrier, which will now become more widely accessible as a Series 3 card. When discarded, Helicarrier adds three random cards to your hand. Because this effect is dependent on RNG to be any kind of useful, Helicarrier doesn't see an awful lot of play in today's meta. However, there are certainly a few decks out there where Helicarrier not only shines but can be a primary win condition!

So, if you are ready to start using Helicarrier in Marvel Snap, you've come to the right place. This article will cover the best Helicarrier decks in Marvel Snap that you can use to reach Infinite, including deck lists, strategies, and more. 

Best Helicarrier Decks In Marvel Snap

Marvel Snap
Helicarrier will soon become a Series 3 card. (Picture: Nuverse)

The two most obvious deck archetypes that support Helicarrier's unique effect the most would be Discard and Hand Size. By playing Discard effects like those attached to Lady Sif and Blade, Helicarrier can be targeted easily and discarded efficiently. Additionally, by discarding Helicarrier, players can increase their hand size by three, thereby powering up cards like Devil Dinosaur and The Collector. 

Helicarrier Hand Size Deck 

As mentioned, the game plan with the Helicarrier Hand Size deck is to keep your hand size as filled as possible while adding new cards to your hand to buff The Collector. Devil Dinosaur and Mystique are great finishers, but Ghost Rider can also be a huge win condition if you did manage to discard your Heliarrier at some point throughout the course of the game. 

Helicarrier Hand Size Deck List:

Marvel Snap
Helicarrier works great with cards like The Collector. (Picture: Nuverse)

Helicarrier Discard Deck

With the introduction of MODOK, discard decks are more powerful than they have ever been before. MODOK allows you to efficiently discard Helicarrier, and the resulting cards that are added to your hand give you follow-up options for the final turn after your hand has been emptied. Hela can be added as a tech option for those looking to go lean into the randomness of Helicarrier even further!

Helicarrier Discard Deck List:

And these are the best Helicarrier decks in Marvel Snap!

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