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Best Gambit Decks in Marvel Snap

These are some of the best Gambit decks in Marvel Snap!
Best Gambit Decks in Marvel Snap

Gambit is one of the most beloved characters in the Marvel universe and a fan-favorite X-Man. Thankfully, Gambit's card-slinging skills are not lost in the transfer over to Marvel Snap. By discarding a card from your hand, Gambit will destroy a random card on your opponent's side of the field. This is an excellent effect and one very fitting for Gambit as a character. Gambit's ability is powerful in its own right if you can target a specific card or are lucky enough to hit your opponent's key combo piece. However, what if we could destroy more than one card?

So, if you are ready to start using Gambit in Marvel Snap, you've come to the right place. This article will cover the best Gambit decks in Marvel Snap that you can use to reach Infinite! We will break down strategies, deck lists, tips, and more!

The Best Gambit Decks In Marvel Snap

The best Gambit decks in Marvel Snap are those that can take full advantage of his On Reveal ability. Not many cards in Marvel Snap actively destroy enemy cards, and those that do usually have a condition attached to them (such as Shang-Chi or Galactus). What makes Gambit so special is that he can destroy any card on the board simply by removing a card from your hand. 

Standard Discard Deck 

The most obvious home for Gambit is in a Discard deck. If you are running a ton of cards with Discard synergy anyway, Gambit is a great inclusion. The card Gambit discards is random, yes, but if you can empty your hand enough to target Apocalypse or Swarm, Gambit's effect becomes a net positive!

Standard Discard Deck List:

Gambit & Mister Negative Deck

Because of Gambit's very strong ability, his stats are a little lackluster. Costing three energy but only providing one power is not very good if you manage to miss destroying your opponent's best card. However, in a Mister Negative deck, Gambit becomes a one-cost three-power card with the same effect. This makes Gambit much less of a commitment, and he can even be played on the final turn to offset his discard restriction entirely!

Gambit & Mister Negative Deck List:

Marvel Snap
Gambit can destroy multiple cards when paired with Wong. (Picture: Nuverse)

Gambit Exodia Deck

Exodia decks in card games are those that, one assembling several pieces of a combo, win the game outright and can OTK your opponent. Because Marvel Snap doesn't have a health system, Gambit Exodia works by destroying every card on your opponent's side of the field. Players will want to double-up on Wong's ability as much as possible with Mystique and Onslaught before wreaking havoc with Gambit and Absorbing Man. Don't worry about cards in your hand, as Gambit's effect will continue to trigger even after your hand is empty!

Gambit Exodia Deck List:

And these are the best Gambit decks in Marvel Snap!

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