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Best Doctor Doom Decks In Marvel Snap

These are the best Doctor Doom decks in Marvel Snap!
Best Doctor Doom Decks In Marvel Snap

Everyone loves to hate Doctor Doom, and for good reason. He is one of the strongest villains in the Marvel Universe, and this power is translated excellently to Marvel Snap. Doctor Doom has a total of fifteen power in Marvel Snap, but this is spread equally over each of the three locations. Doctor Doom is great for giving each location a small boost while also sealing your victory regarding unplayable locations like Sanctum Sanctorum. 

So, if you are ready to start using Doctor Doom in Marvel Snap, you've come to the right place. These are the best Doctor Doom decks in Marvel Snap that you can use to reach Infinite, including deck lists, strategies, and more!

Marvel Snap
Doctor Doom works well in Electro Ramp along with Infinaut and Magneto

Best Doctor Doom Decks In Marvel Snap

Doctor Doom is a very versatile card, and for this reason, not many decks are built around him. Doctor Doom is more just a solid option to include in an already powerful shell such as On Reveal or Electro Ramp. Players with Doctor Doom can feel free to slot him into most decks with ease, and he will almost always perform adequately to exceptionally well.

Electro Ramp Deck

Electro Ramp is probably where Doctor Doom sees the most play. Doctor Doom provides a lot of utility by allowing you to add cards to unplayable locations. Additionally, you can retrigger Doctor Doom's On Reveal effect using Odin on the final turn, providing eighteen points of power for only six energy (Odin himself plus the two additional Doom Bots). 

The general strategy with Electro Ramp is to get Electro onto the board as soon as possible (using Wave as a backup for games when you don't draw him). Then, the game pretty much plays itself. You play a five-cost card on turn four, a six-cost card on turn five, and then another six-cost card on turn six. Aero can be used accordingly, but you generally want to get as many high-power cards onto the field as possible. 

Electro Ramp Deck List:

Marvel Snap
Doctor Doom adds a five power Doom Bot to each other location. (Picture: Nuverse)

Patriot Deck

Because Doctor Doom's Doom Bots are cards with no abilities, they synergize incredibly well with Patriot. The game plan with any Patriot deck is fairly simple. Players will want to play as many cards as they can with no abilities before buffing their board with Patriot, Mystique, and Blue Marvel. Ultron can also be used in place of Doctor Doom or alongside him as a backup for the games when Doctor Doom is at the bottom of your deck. 

The main reason Doctor Doom is favored over Ultron, despite providing less power when you have Patriot and Mystique in play, is because of Killmonger. Killmonger hard counters Ultron and any player running Killmonger knows to go into the final turn with negative priority. Doom Bots are much less susceptible to counters like this. 

Patriot Deck List:

And these are the best Doctor Doom decks in Marvel Snap!

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