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Best Deathlok Decks In Marvel Snap

These are the best Deathlok decks in Marvel Snap!
Best Deathlok Decks In Marvel Snap

Deathlok is a staple in almost every destruction deck in Marvel Snap. Deathlok comes with a great stat line, providing five points of power for only three energy. The caveat to this is that, on reveal, Deathlok will destroy all other friendly cards at the location where he is played. Naturally, players can circumvent this downside by playing Deathlok in an empty lane, but the better strategy would be to use Deathlok in order to activate the abilities from some of your cards that want to be destroyed. 

So, if you are ready to start using Deathlok in Marvel Snap, you've come to the right place! This article will cover the best Deathlok decks in Marvel Snap, including deck lists, strategies, and more!

Marvel Snap
Use Deathlok to destroy Bucky Barnes. (Picture: Nuverse)

Best Deathlok Decks In Marvel Snap

The best Deathlok decks in Marvel Snap are destruction decks. Unlike Carnage, who can sometimes see play outside its preferred archetype, it is incredibly unlikely to see any deck running Deathlok outside a destruction shell. Because of this, instead of covering niche decks where Deathlok barely makes an impact, we will break down some of the various destruction builds where Deathlok can shine to its fullest potential. 

Destruction Decks

As mentioned, Deathlok is a staple in all kinds of destruction decks. Deathlok is great for destroying multiple cards, such as Bucky Barnes, Nova, Deadpool, Nimrod, and more. Players will want to capitalize on Deathlok's great stats during the early game before using powerful finishers like Death to win the game. 

The most common type of deck is Death Wave. This build is very simple to play and involves destroying as many cards as possible in the early game. Then, after playing Moon Girl to copy Death and She-Hulk, players can play Wave on turn five. This locks your opponent into only being able to play one card while you are free to play four or more!

Alternatively, Nimrod is another great card to use alongside Deathlok. After Nimrod is destroyed, copies of the card will be added to each other location. This is great for spreading large amounts of power across the board. 

Galactus is another great card to pair with Deathlok. Because Galactus decks often run Knull, Deathlok is a great way to increase Knull's power.

Death Wave Deck List:

Nimrod Deck List:

Galactus Destroy Deck List:

And these are the best Deathlok Decks in Marvel Snap!

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