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Best Bishop Decks In Marvel Snap

These are the best Bishop Decks In Marvel Snap!
Best Bishop Decks In Marvel Snap

Bishop is one of the most powerful three-cost cards in Marvel Snap if given the right support. Whenever a friendly card is played, Bishop will gain one additional power. This is not an Ongoing ability, meaning Bishop is not susceptible to common counters like Enchantress. Under the right circumstances, Bishop can quickly and easily reach double-digits of power, providing enough stats to win a location all by himself!

So, if you are ready to start using Bishop in Marvel Snap, you've come to the right place! This article will cover the best Bishop decks in Marvel Snap, including deck lists, strategies, and more!

Marvel Snap
Bishop and Mysterio make a great combo. (Picture: Nuverse)

Best Bishop Decks In Marvel Snap

The best Bishop decks in Marvel Snap are those that can play multiple cards over the course of a game. Playing one card per turn after playing Bishop on turn three will only make Bishop a three-cost four-energy card which is very lackluster. Players running Bishop will want to add as many cards as possible to the board in order to buff Bishop to be a considerable threat. 

Bishop & Sera Control Deck

Bishop sees a ton of play in Sera Control decks for multiple reasons. The first of these is Sera herself. Sera reduces the cost of all cards in your hand by one. This allows for some incredibly swinging final turns where you can dump up to six one-energy cards at once.

Additionally, because this deck also runs Mysterio (whose copies count as being played when entering the board), Bishop can get three additional power boosts tied to a single card! Sera Control is a little more reliable than a typical zoo deck as it doesn't fall prey to common counters like Killmonger.

Bishop & Sera Control Deck List:

Marvel Snap
Use Bishop in a Mister Negative deck with cards like Iron Man. (Picture: Nuverse)

Bishop Mister Negative Deck 

Turning Bishop into a one-energy three-power card that can still continuously grow as each new friendly card is played is an incredibly strong strategy. Mister Negative allows this to become a reality!

Bishop Mister Negative Deck List:

And these are the best Bishop Decks in Marvel Snap!

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