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How to get Radiant Zagoras Crystals in Lost Ark

Radiant Zagoras Crystals are a vital part of the Basics Of The Stronghold’s Economy quest. Here's how to get them in Lost Ark.
How to get Radiant Zagoras Crystals in Lost Ark

During the Basics of the Strongholds Economy quest in Lost Ark, players will need to trade Seal items, including Raid or Victory Seals, to receive the Radiant Zagoras Crystals. If you're struggling to activate this quest or complete it, don't worry because we'll explain how to acquire the Radiant Zagoras Crystals in Lost Ark and everything you need to know about them as they currently exist in the game. 

How to get the Radiant Zagoras Crystals in Lost Ark

Explanantion of quest to recieve Radiant Zagoras Crystals.
Butler Adeline will explain the Merchant System, which allows you to get the Radiant Zagoras Crystals. (Picture: Bue via YouTube / SmileGate)

During the Strongholds tutorial, you will receive an explanation from Butler Adeline, after which you will be able to begin the Basics of the Strongholds Economy quest. After completing the quest, you can head over to the Lab button in the top left of your screen and click on the Merchant Contract: Trade Permit. Now hit the Research button. 

This will have you wait a few moments until the research is complete. Once it has done so, click on the completed research to be taken to a cutscene. This cutscene will explain how you enter contracts with trade merchants and the basics of the game's economy.

After the cutscene has been completed, you will now be able to trade with merchants. First, find the merchant located at the port on the map and interact with her. Once you do, you will see the option to trade an item (either Raid Seals or Victory Seals) for the Radiant Zagoras Crystal.

Trading the Victory seal for a Radiant Zagoras Crystal
After completing the quest, you will be able to trade items for the Radiant Zagoras Crystals. (Picture: Levonel via YouTube / SmileGate)

Note: It is possible for this quest to soft-lock, in which case you may find it challenging to acquire the Radiant Zagoras Crystals.

This happens when players don't go to the merchant first and use their items elsewhere, such that they don't have Victory seals to trade. Followingly, players won't have any items to trade for the Radiant Zagoras Crystal, leaving the quest incomplete. 

Fortunately, there is an NPC who will let you trade Raid Seals for more of these crystals, located near the travelling merchant. So if you didn't get them earlier and the merchant is gone or not selling them anymore, you can find one there. 

Alterate trade for Radiant Zagoras Crystal
Another vendor allows you to trade Raid Seals for Radiant Zagoras Crystals. (Picture: Bue via YouTube / SmileGate)

These crystals are the reward for completing the quest and don't seem to have any other purpose in the game just yet. However, we suspect that they will soon be used as trade items like other crystals in the game. So, we encourage you to check back here soon for more information. 

And that's everything you need to know to acquire the Radiant Zagoras Crystals in Lost Ark. If you're interested in more Lost Ark content, please check out our dedicated Lost Ark section here for more guides and news.


Featured Image courtesy of Smilegate.