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How To Revive Players In Killer Klowns From Outer Space

Here's how you can use the Resurrection Machine to revive players in Killer Klowns From Outer Space.
How To Revive Players In Killer Klowns From Outer Space
(Picture: Illfonic)

You might think that if you're dead in Killer Klowns From Outer Space, you're out of the game - but thanks to the fact that your teammates can revive you, this isn't always the case. Not only can other players revive you, but you can revive them, too, meaning that you'll want to know how to use the Resurrection Machine in Killer Klowns from Outer Space. These machines will bring back not just one player, but your whole team, making them an incredibly important mechanic to familiarize yourself with.

How To Revive Players In Killer Klowns From Outer Space

resurrection machine
The Resurrection Machine emits a blue light, making it easy for human players to find. (Picture: Illfonic)

In Killer Klowns from Outer Space, the only way to revive other players is to use the Resurrection Machine. The Resurrection Machine is free and revives every single player on your team, allowing them to jump back into the action immediately after the machine is used. This means that you'll want to make use of the Resurrection Machine when it's available to you, since it can be majorly game changing. However, you'll want to think carefully about when you use it, since it's a limited item.

The catch to this awesome item is that you can use the Resurrection Machine only once per match. In other words, you'll want to use it at a time that makes sense, or you might end up without it when you need it most. You'll want to use the Resurrection Machine after a few players have died rather than just one, since you can bring them back all at once.

So how do you find the Resurrection Machine? It's a machine with a big blue light over it. You can usually find it in the center of the map, but its location is random, so be sure to look around until you find that beacon of blue light. (If you can't find it yet, remember it only spawns after a player dies). Of course, only humans can use the Resurrection Machine and revive their friends.

Once you've found it, just interact with it to revive all members of your team. If you're unable to interact with the machine, it means another player has already used it.