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How To Escape Cocoons in Killer Klowns From Outer Space

Here's how to escape Cocoons in Killer Klowns From Outer Space.
How To Escape Cocoons in Killer Klowns From Outer Space
(Picture: Illfonic)

As a human in Killer Klowns from Outer Space, you have lots of ways to fight back against the Klowns - and even if the Klowns manage to get you in a Cocoon, you still have a chance to escape. There are various methods of getting out of the Klowns' Cocoons, some of which you can do yourself, while others require the help of your friends. Either way, you'll definitely want to familiarize yourself with them so you're never stuck in a Klown's grasp when you could try and escape.

How To Escape Cocoons in Killer Klowns From Outer Space

killer klowns cocoon
Players can escape from Cocoons with the help of another human. (Picture: Illfonic)

You can free yourself from a Cocoon in Killer Klowns from Outer Space if you have a sharp weapon in your inventory when you're trapped. (Not all weapons will work, only the sharp ones. If your weapon has a blade, it should work when trying to escape from the Cocoon.)

If you do possess a sharp weapon, you'll be able to press a certain button - RT on consoles - to escape and even stun the Klown carrying you.

Because the only way to escape from Cocoons on your own is using a sharp object, it's always good to keep one on hand if possible. Other weapons are great when fighting Klowns, but don't provide the extra benefit of letting you escape from Cocoons at will. This means you'll almost always want to choose a sharp object over a blunt one if you have the choice.

If you don't happen to have a sharp object with you, there's another way to get freed from a Cocoon, but it'll require the help of another human player. They can run up to your Cocoon and free you - but they'll need to watch out and avoid being jumped by any nearby Klowns, since they're vulnerable when helping you out, and doing so does take a bit of time.

Overall, while there are multiple methods to getting out of a Cocoon in Killer Klowns from Outer Space, the only way you can guarantee that you can get out is by using a sharp object. The only other way to escape relies on other players' ability and willingness to get you out of the Cocoon.