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GINX TV > Guides & Tutorial > Killer Klowns From Outer Space

A Guide To Playing As Klowns in Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Here are some tips and tricks for playing as Klowns in Killer Klowns from Outer Space.
A Guide To Playing As Klowns in Killer Klowns from Outer Space
(Picture: Illfonic)

In Killer Klowns from Outer Space, you'll either take on the role of a brave human trying to escape, or a killer Klown trying to take down Earth's inhabitants. As a Klown, you won't have weapons like shotguns or blades, but you'll have a Cotton Candy Gun at your disposal! Here are the best strategies to win as Klown in Killer Klowns from Outer Space, including some of our favorite tips and tricks.

Focus On Hooking Cocoons

Hooking Cocoons allows you to level up your generators, get new Tricks faster, and potentially hasten the onset of the Klownpocalypse. You'll want to hook as many stray Cocoons as you can find, as well as make sure you hook any humans that you manage to encase in a cocoon.

cocoons klowns
Cocoons give Klowns points towards getting more Tricks. (Picture: Illfonic)

Use Klown Jump

Klown Jump is the first power you'll get as a Klown, but it's also one of the most useful. You can use this ability to instantly jump anywhere on the map that you've already explored. This is especially helpful if you know exactly where a human is or hear a Klown fighting a human, since you can jump right in front of them and ambush them. Klown Jump even stuns the opponent for a moment.

Remember, though, that you can only use Klown Jump in previously explored areas, so you'll want to make sure that you explore the map early on to make the best use of this ability.

Use Your Cotton Candy

You can use your Cotton Candy Gun to block off doorways, exits, and even the Resurrection Machine, preventing humans from entering without clearing away all of the Cotton Candy. Clearing away Cotton Candy takes time, and humans will also be faced with various skill checks as they try to get rid of it; missing one will alert you to the human's location.

cotton candy killer klowns
Using your Cotton Candy Gun to block off exits can waste survivors' time and prevent them from escaping. (Picture: Illfonic)

Never Give Up

As a human in Killer Klowns from Outer Space, you can come back from the dead if a teammate uses a Resurrection Machine; as a Klown, though, you're guaranteed to come back after a short wait of just 30 seconds. So even if a human kills you as a Klown player, don't give up - you still have a chance to get back into the game and help your teammates achieve victory.