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GINX TV > Guides & Tutorial > Killer Klowns From Outer Space

Can You Be A Female Klown In Killer Klowns From Outer Space?

Can you be a girl klown in Killer Klowns from Outer Space?
Can You Be A Female Klown In Killer Klowns From Outer Space?
(Picture: Illfonic)

In Killer Klowns from Outer Space, players are able to customize their characters in various ways, from choosing new headpieces to outfits. For human characters and Klowns alike, there are various outfits you can choose from in many different colors and styles. But, in addition to all of the customization options that are available, some players want to know if you can change your character's gender as a Klown? In this guide, we'll walk you through how to do just that.

Can You Be A Female Klown In Killer Klowns From Outer  Space?

Yes, there are female Klowns in Killer Klowns from Outer Space, and you don't need to do anything to unlock the ability to change your gender as as Klown. Just open up the main menu, and then click on 'Customization.' From there, you can customize lots of aspects of your Klown - including their gender! To do this, head to the section that says "Body Type," which will allow you to change your Klown's gender. Just switch it from 'Male Klown' (the default) to 'Female Klown.'

clown female gender killer klowns
You can change your Klown's gender from the Customization menu. (Picture: Illfonic)

If you want to change other aspects of your Klown, like their head and outfit, this is the place to do it. Once you're happy with your settings, just hit the back button and head back to the menu and you're good to go!

Note that changing your gender on one Klown character doesn't do it for the others you've unlocked, so be sure to change the gender in the Customization menu for each Klown that you'd like to edit.