In the vast and magical world of Hogwarts Legacy, players are presented with a wide variety of quests, each varying in difficulty. While some may be simple to complete, others may require more skill and determination. One such quest is The Map Chamber, which many players might wonder where they can find it. Thankfully, finding this secret location is relatively straightforward.
However, before accessing the Map Chamber in Hogwarts Legacy, you must complete another quest: Jackdaw's Rest. After completing this quest, you will discover that the Map Chamber holds many secrets of the Ancient Magic that your character possesses. It also plays a fundamental role in initiating the four Keeper's Trials in Hogwarts Legacy. So let's get to it.
REMINDER - Hogwarts Legacy was due to launch on PS4 and Xbox One on April 4, but now won't release until 5 May 2023.
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Where Is The Map Chamber In Hogwarts Legacy?
As mentioned, the Map Chamber is located below the Castle in Hogwarts Legacy. Specifically, it can be found somewhere deep below the Library Annex. Unfortunately, you will only be able to access this chamber after completing the Jackdaw's Rest quest in Hogwarts Legacy. In particular, the quest will require you to venture into the Forbidden Forest and traverse Jackdaw's Tomb.
Without spoiling the plot of the aforementioned quest, you'll need to navigate to Professor Fig's office to report what you have discovered deep within Jackdaw's Tomb. You will then lead the professor to the Map Chamber, where he will place the book on the podium. After doing so, a map will be shown on the ground. Shortly after that, you must initiate dialog with the portrait of Professor Rackham.
After some time, Professor Rackham will reveal the four Keepers, consequent to starting the four Keeper's Trials in Hogwarts Legacy, the locations of which will become visible on the map on the ground. That said, Rackham will reluctantly begin the first Keeper's Trials, the location of which is revealed to be at a tower North of Hogsmeade. You can read out dedicated guides explaining how to complete each of the Keeper's Trials puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy below:
- Keeper's Trial 1: Percival Rackham's Trial
- Keeper's Trial 2: Charles Rookwood's Trial
- Keeper's Trial 3: Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial (the Deathly Hallows)
- Keeper's Trial 4: San Bakar's Trial
And that's everything you need to know about the Map Chamber in Hogwarts Legacy. If you want to learn more about the various secrets of the wizarding world, check out our main hub page for other guides and resources. Otherwise, watch our video deep-diving into each of the four Hogwarts Houses in the game below.
How To Get To The Map Chamber In Hogwarts Legacy FAQ
Where is the Map Chamber located in Hogwarts Legacy?
The Map Chamber can be found deep below the Library Annex, beneath the Castle in Hogwarts Legacy. However, you can only access it after completing the Jackdaw's Rest quest.
How do I get to the Map Chamber in Hogwarts Legacy?
To access the Map Chamber, you need to complete the Jackdaw's Rest quest. Afterward, you'll navigate to Professor Fig's office, report your findings, and lead the professor to the Map Chamber.
What is inside the Map Chamber in Hogwarts Legacy?
The Map Chamber in Hogwarts Legacy reveals the locations of the four Keeper's Trials. It plays a vital role in initiating these trials and unlocking the secrets of Ancient Magic in the game.