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Aymeric Laporte despairs at his FIFA pace rating: "I run faster than that but OK"

Manchester City’s Aymeric Laporte is less than impressed with his pace rating on FIFA 21, and he’s taken to social media to meme about it.
Aymeric Laporte despairs at his FIFA pace rating: "I run faster than that but OK"

Aymeric Laporte is an important player for Manchester City. His performances have seen him become one of the highest-rated players in FIFA 21 with an impressive overall rating of 87. But it seems like EA doesn’t consider him to be very pacey, and that’s left him feeling a little sour.


Laporte has been given a 63 pace rating in FIFA 21, which is slightly lower than the 64 pace rating he currently has in FIFA 20. Of course, his Twitter post is nothing more than a bit of fun and he’s clearly not as offended as Romelu Lukaku. But he still cared enough to joke about his dissatisfaction. EA even had a playful response of their own.


Laporte also poked fun at his rating a little further on Instagram in response to Manchester City’s post about their team rating.

Man city fifa 21 ratings

“I run faster than that but ok,” he said. Again, it’s all a bit of fun and banter, and he doesn’t seem to really care all that much. Still, giving him a lowly pace rating of 63 does seem a little harsh.

Either way, his defending and physicality ratings are 88 and 81, which is about where they should be. But more importantly, his overall rating is still impressive and he’s one of the highest-rated centre-backs in the game.

Player ratings are always a hot topic of discussion before the next iteration of FIFA is released, and this time isn’t any different. But regardless of how fans and players might feel, it all adds to the excitement.