With Diablo 2 Resurrected, players can finally return to a simpler time, when the world of Sanctuary was overrun by demons, and the greater Evils roamed the land. Diablo 2 Resurrected is a faithful remaster, and while some accessibility, as well as quality-of-life changes, were added, all the content remains the same. Despite the identical content, even veteran players might not remember all the details, as the original game did come out over two decades ago, and new players might be a bit confused with some of the quest objectives since there was little handholding back in the day.
In the first act, a mere hour or two into Diablo 2 Resurrected, players will come across Cairn Stones and might have no clue how to activate them. In this guide, we explain what the Cairn Stones are actually used for, how to find the Tree of Inifuss' location, and rescue an "old friend" in the process.
How to activate Cairn Stones in Diablo 2 Resurrected
After you've completed the Den of Evil quest and the Sisters' Burial Grounds quest, you will receive the Search for Cain quest, as Akara tasks the player to find arguably the Diablo franchise's most iconic NPC, Deckard Cain.
Akara states: "It is clear that we are facing an Evil difficult to comprehend, let alone combat. There is only one Horadrim sage, schooled in the most arcane history and lore, who could advise us...His name is Deckard Cain. You must go to Tristram and find him, my friend. I pray that he still lives."
The town of Tristram (from the original Diablo) is too far away, which means players need another way to travel to Tristram.
That's where the Cairn Stones come into play. You can find the Cairn Stones in the Stony Field area. Diablo 2 Resurrected's maps are randomly generated, so we can't pinpoint the objective. Therefore, you will have to run around the Stony Field area until you find it.
Once at the Cairn Stones, you will have to defeat Rakanishu, a unique Carver enemy. Then, many players might be wondering how they can activate the Cairn Stones, which will in turn open a portal to Tristram where they can rescue Deckard Cain.
To activate these stones, you must touch them in a specific order. For us, the order was:
- Right stone
- Bottom left stone
- Top left stone
- Top stone
- Bottom stone
Before touching the stones do anything at all, however, players first need to find the Tree of Inifuss.
Tree of Inifuss location in Diablo 2 Resurrected
Players will need to find the Tree of Inifuss' location to get the Scroll of Inifuss, then take the scroll back to Akara so she can translate it before they can activate the Cairn Stones.
To get to the Tree of Inifuss, you will first have to find the Dark Passage also located in the Stony Fields.
Head through the passage to make your way to the Dark Wood area. Here, you have to search for the exact Tree of Inifuss location since maps are randomly generated.
Once you've found the Tree of Inifuss, defeat the unique brute called Treehead Woodfist, and interact with the tree. Then, use a Town Portal scroll to head back to the Rogue Encampment and speak to Akara.
Now that Akara has translated the Scroll of Inifuss, use the waypoint (which you've hopefully unlocked) to travel back to the Stony Field and make your way to the Cairn Stones to activate them.
Head through the portal to meet some old friends from the original game, and slay enemies until you've rescued Deckard Cain, who will identify your items for free after he is rescued.
Hopefully, this guide will help players figure out how the Cairn Stones work in Diablo 2 Resurrected, and rescue an old friend in the process.
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