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How to sign up for Diablo 4 Closed Beta

Players can start signing up for the Diablo 4 Closed Beta and "accept your fate" before "all hell breaks loose" in the next Diablo installment.
How to sign up for Diablo 4 Closed Beta

Blizzard Entertainment made a surprising reveal as they announced a gameplay trailer for Diablo 4, which will be arriving on PC and consoles in 2023. The announcement was made during the Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase, where they announced a new character class, the Necromancer, joining the game.

Eagle-eyed players will have seen that the publisher has officially opened the pre-registration following the showcase, where you'll stand a chance of gaining early access to the action RPG. We've detailed how players can start pre-registering for Diablo 4's Closed Beta and accept their fate.

Diablo 4 Closed Beta – How to pre-register

Blizzard Entertainment has made pre-registration for the forthcoming Diablo 4 Closed Beta available for players wanting to gain access and play early. To start your journey, you can head to the official Diablo 4 website and click the "Pre-register" button on its home screen.

This will direct you to the bottom of the page, or you can manually scroll down to find an image of Lilith, the game's main antagonist, enticing you to "accept your fate." Below the picture is another "Pre-register" button that clicking on it will redirect you to the Battle.net log-in page.

You can use your existing Battle.net account details, where submitting them will place you in a selection pool for a chance to be a tester for the Closed Beta. Similarly, you can also use your Google, Apple, or Facebook account to log in.

diablo 4 closed beta log in page pre-registration battle net account
Players can use their Battle.net account details to pre-register for the upcoming Closed Beta. (Picture: Blizzard Entertainment)

If you don't have a Battle.net account, you can create an account by entering your name and email address before agreeing to the outlined Terms and Conditions. Additionally, you'll need to enter your Country/Location, Date of Birth, and a secure password to create an account successfully.

Players struggling to use their Battle.net account to log in or forgetting their password or registered email address can click on the Account Recovery link, selecting the option that best fits their problem.

diablo 4 closed beta homepage pre-register lilith accept your fate
Will you "accept your fate" or let Lilith usher a new reign of darkness in Diablo 4? (Picture: Blizzard Entertainment)

In pre-registering for the Closed Beta, you will receive the latest Diablo 4 news, updates, announcements, and special offers from the publisher. Similarly, they have yet to announce the official dates for the closed beta following its reveal during the Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase on 12th June 2022.

Blizzard quietly opening pre-registrations for the Closed Beta is surprising for the publisher as they've been facing mounting criticisms and controversies over the last few months. Not only are they facing backlash due to the aggressive push of microtransactions in Diablo Immortal, but they're in the midst of an ongoing legal battle following allegations of sexual assault, discrimination, and harassment in the workplace.

For more fantastic game content, check out our section dedicated to Diablo news, updates, guides, features, and more.


Featured image courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment.

Check out our video below, discussing Diablo Immortal's story and how the game fits into the franchise's timeline.

For more news on the game and the iconic ARPG franchise, check out our sections dedicated to Diablo 3, Diablo Immortal, and Diablo 4. Get the latest guides & tutorials for your favorite Diablo title below.

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