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Why Is Diablo 4 Season 1 Getting Review Bombed?

Diablo 4 is getting review bombed. But why are players outraged? Here's why users believe Season 1 is not up to scratch.
Why Is Diablo 4 Season 1 Getting Review Bombed?
Activision Blizzard

It seems as though Diablo 4 has witnessed an unexpected fall from grace, as evidenced by its Metacritic score plummeting to a dismal 2.9 user rating (and dropping), which is a stark contrast to the 86 overall score. As such, the burning question among many Dungeon Crawlers fans is: Why is Diablo 4 getting review bombed?

Despite its initial high acclaim and the long anticipation fans endured, it seems Blizzard's latest entry has left veteran players profoundly disappointed, slamming the developers for an array of issues from server issues to divisive updates and microtransactions. Read on to learn why fans are upset about the latest Diablo 4 Season 1 update.

Why Is Diablo 4 Getting Review Bombed?

Based on Metacritic user reviews following the Diablo 4 Season 1 update, it's safe to say that the dramatic turnaround from one of the most iconic franchises in gaming history is now mired in controversy and bearing the brunt of generally unfavorable reviews for these reasons:

  • Significant Game Nerfs: Many players have expressed dissatisfaction with what they perceive as excessive "nerfing" (weakening) of various game aspects, including character abilities, gear, and progression speed. This change has made it harder and more time-consuming to reach desired character-build potentials and levels and effectively limited the "fun" aspect of the game. Some players, who had invested significant time and effort into their characters before the patch, felt their hard work was undermined.
  • Unsatisfactory Game Balance and Design: Many users complained about the lack of build diversity, issues with endgame content, and the overall gameplay design. The perceived imbalance between different character classes and over-complicating itemization are cited as factors that detract from the overall experience. Furthermore, several players indicated that the game had become less enjoyable and more tedious after the update, particularly about the Nightmare Dungeons.
  • Discontent with Developer Decisions: There is a general sentiment of disillusionment towards Blizzard, with players feeling that the company has prioritized player retention and microtransaction  (such as selling cosmetics) over delivering an engaging and fun gaming experience. Many reviewers also expressed disappointment with what they see as a disconnect between the developers' actions and their communications with the player base.

Here are a few excerpts from Diablo 4 reviewers

The game was already in a bad state but blizzard really decided to say f it and make the game even worst with the latest patch. Clearly they don’t play their own game so we shouldn’t either. Season 1 is dead on arrival because this patch really said “Fixed an issue where players were having fun so we took out all the fun”

Another user wrote:

Whoever is managing the balance of the game, either the devs or if they have a specific "balance team". They better have a meeting real quick and explain that in ARPG games people want to have fun and not go thru gaming torture. If they disagree with this vision then maybe is time for them to change their career path.

A third said:

How they gonna nerf 80% of the game for the very first season?

Zero QOL updates, defense nerfed for what was already a glass cannon, classes doing upwards of 70% less damage, and making leveling much much harder.

And finally, a fourth wrote:

I have never thought I will create an account for this game. At first I still believe this game have hope, they will learn from the failure of Diablo 3. But as we see they have learn nothing. At 18/7 I saw the patch note1.1, my mind have been blown. The nerf we get are ridiculous, it make my Barbadian become ****

And that's all. Overall, these reasons reflect a significant dissatisfaction with the state of the game after the Diablo 4 Season 1 patch update, leading to the current wave of negative reviews.

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