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How To Get Accelerating Aspect In Diablo 4

Here's how you can get the Accelerating Aspect in Diablo 4.
How To Get Accelerating Aspect In Diablo 4

Aspects and Codex of Power in Diablo 4 are unique items you can use on rare gear to convert them into legendary gear. They come with special perks that can significantly improve your existing build.

It's no surprise that some Legendary Aspects can only be used by certain classes, whereas others can be used by everyone. The Accelerating Aspect falls in the latter category, and here's how you can get it in Diablo 4.

How to Acquire the Accelerating Aspect in Diablo 4

accelerating aspect
You can only get the Accelerating Aspect by a random legendary drop. (Picture: Shreyansh/Blizzard)

The only way to get the Accelerating Aspect in Diablo 4 is by a random Legendary drop. Once you get a Legendary Gear with Accelerating Aspect embedded in it, you can extract it at the Occultist and Imprint it on a different rare or legendary item. 

Sadly, it's the only way to acquire this Legendary Aspect in Diablo 4. Unlike plenty of others, you can't earn it by completing a specific Dungeon in the game. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to farm Legendaries in Diablo 4. You can tackle Dungeons, Strongholds, World Events, World Bosses, or Treasure Goblins for a handful of Legendaries real quick.

Blizzard has confirmed that in Diablo 4 Season 1, you will be able to unlock new Legendary Aspects by completing different objectives. These may also get you the Accelerating Aspect. As of this writing, we don't know if completing these objects will unlock new Seasonal Aspects or the existing ones. 

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Diablo 4 Season 1 will let you unlock Legendary Aspects by completing certain objectives. (Picture: Blizzard)

When the Accelerating Aspect is equipped, dealing critical strikes with your core skills will increase the attack speed by (15-25)% for 5 seconds. If you aim to craft a build that maximizes critical damage or at least heavily relies on it, the Accelerating Aspect is a great option. 

With that said, you don't necessarily need the Accelerating Aspect to increase the attack speed of your weapons. For instance, the Rapid Aspect, which you can get by completing the Buried Halls Dungeon in Dry Steppes, can increase the attack speed of your Basic skills by 15%(+). 

That's everything you need to know about the Accelerating Aspect in Diablo 4. 

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