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Creatures Of Ava: Where To Get & Use The Flute

Sometimes, all that is needed is a Flute and a tune to gain the attention of wild creatures, so here's how to get a Flute in Creatures of Ava.
Creatures Of Ava: Where To Get & Use The Flute
(Picture: Inverge Games & Chibig / Ashleigh Klein)

Creatures of Ava has a unique in-game mechanic that lets Victoria gain the trust of wild creatures to save them from a life-threatening crisis. While these creatures, especially the infected ones, won't be friendly when encountered, a useful tool obtained from Nim'ar may help her in her expedition.

The Flute is a significant instrument in Naam culture as shepherds mainly use it to herd their creatures, and Victoria can learn it if she acquires one. This guide explains to players how to get a Flute and how to best use it when taming creatures in Creatures of Ava.

How To Get The Flute In Creatures Of Ava?

As mentioned in our guide to the Photo Mode mechanic in Creatures of Ava, Victoria can acquire many valuable equipment items during her expedition on Ava. While the camera will be the first tool she'll unlock and utilize for research purposes, another equally useful piece of equipment she can get is a Flute.

Players will acquire a Flute from Nim'ar during a quest, which is required when learning how to tame creatures. (Picture: Inverge Games & Chibig / Ashleigh Klein)

It may seem obscure initially, but once Victoria reaches Ansira Village with Nim'ar, she'll find a Naam shepherd wandering with a herd using a Flute, which gives insight into how it will be used in-game. As this will be explained much later in this guide, they must get one that can be received during a specific quest before using the Flute.

The quest mentioned is the game's third main story quest, "The Songs of Ava," which is triggered following the completion of the "Come in, Tabitha" quest, and they can speak to Nim'ar about taming creatures. Nim'ar will point Victoria to a Naam shepherd, Sebb'ti, who may help her with taming creatures and give her a Flute to be added to her Inventory.

How To Use The Flute In Creatures Of Ava?

With a Flute in her possession, she can proceed to locate a Naam shepherd during "The Songs of Ava" quest; she can use the Flute to attract the shepherd's attention, and they can use either the assigned Directional button or the number key to switch to it. Nevertheless, to use the Flute for the quest, switch to it and approach the creature to hear the calling sound that can be played on the Flute.

This can be seen when they're nearby, so look for the icon near the head and play their calling before they can tame the creature. Once they have their attention, an interactive wheel will appear on-screen, where players can hover over the musical notes using the mouse or analog stick to play them.

Once players have successfully tamed a creature, they can enter Ava Vision to control them to remove various obstacles blocking their way. (Picture: Inverge Games & Chibig / Ashleigh Klein)

This is how players can tame wild creatures in-game, in which an icon will appear near their head indicating their response to playing a medley, which they can learn from Sebb'ti. A question mark represents that the creature did not understand the song played; waves appearing beside the icon mean that a creature is listening, and a singing icon indicates it's singing along to the medley.

Once they've tamed the creature using the Flute, depending on the task at hand, players have the option to lead the creature to an enclosure area or trigger the Ava Vision. The Ava Vision allows Victoria to momentarily control a tamed creature by clicking the right mouse or holding the LT button and connecting to the creature by clicking the left mouse or pressing the X button before they can be used to "overcome various obstacles."

Every creature that can be tamed in Creatures of Ava has a specialty; for example, the Ura can destroy specific barriers that are obstructing or blocking off areas and paths. They can consult the Avapedia and read up on the creatures they've collected data on to know what specialty they have, which can be handy during exploration and progressing with quests.