Rainbow Six Extraction is a game of precision and timely communication, as you will need to carefully coordinate your actions with two other teammates in order to complete the missions successfully and with as less damage taken as possible.
The best way to achieve that is by using voice communication, but Ubisoft has also provided some other gameplay mechanics which can elevate your communication in Rainbow Six Extraction.
The ping system, in particular, can help you to pinpoint enemies and mark them for your squad members to take them down. Unfortunately, the game doesn't tell you how to ping in Rainbow Six Extraction, which has left some players confused and unsure how to utilize this mechanic.
Worry not, as we are here to explain you how to ping enemies in Rainbow Six Extraction.
How to mark targets in Rainbow Six Extraction?
If you've played other first-person shooters over the last couple of years, that utilize modern ping systems, you will easily understand how pinging works in Rainbow Six Extraction.
It's quite easy, really, and there are two ways how you can do it. To ping directly, all you need to do is to point your crosshair at the target and then hit Up on the D-Pad of your controller or whichever button you have assigned for this on your PC.
The best thing is that you don't need to use this only on your enemies, as this feature can mark other objects of interest, such as objectives, medkits, supplies, ammo, or almost any other object you think is important to be highlighted.
Upon pinging and marking your target, that target will be visibly highlighted for everyone in your team to see until you unmark it by repeating the same action you did for marking it, or until you mark another target. Each player can ping exactly one thing at a time.
If you play Pulse or Lion operators, you can even use their x-ray abilities to ping object you can't see directly otherwise.
Another way to ping targets is by using Recon Drones, special items which you can deploy to scan specific targets. This is a more powerful ability then the regular "ping", because once scanned, targets remain permanently highlighted and even visible through walls.
And on top of that, killing targets marked with Drones will give you bonus experience at the end of the mission, so there's extra incentive to use this ability.
And that's all you need to know about pinging and our "How to ping enemies in Rainbow Six Extraction" guide is finished.
- Read more: How to heal in Rainbow Six Extraction
Featured image courtesy of Ubisoft.