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Best Snowguard Decks In Marvel Snap

These are the best Snowguard decks in Marvel Snap!
Best Snowguard Decks In Marvel Snap

Snowguard is a one-cost two-power card in Marvel Snap with an incredibly unique ability. Each turn Snowguard is in your hand, the card will transform into one of two forms. Both forms maintain the same stat line, but each has a different ability. The bear form, on reveal, will trigger the effect of the location it is played. For example, if played on Subterranea, five additional rocks will be shuffled into each deck. 

The Hawk form, on the other hand, will allow both players to ignore all location abilities next turn. For example, under the Hawk form's effect, players would be able to play four, five, and six-cost cards at The Big House. 

There is a ton of utility Snowguard offers, as well as lots of flexibility. So, if you are ready to start using Snowguard in Marvel Snap, you've come to the right place! This article will cover the best Snowguard decks in Marvel Snap, including deck lists, strategies, and more!

Marvel Snap
Snowguard should pair well with Galactus. (Picture: Nuverse)

Best Snowguard Decks In Marvel Snap

The best Snowguard decks in Marvel Snap are hard to define. The card has yet to take shape in the current Marvel Snap metagame, making theory crafting very expansive. Additionally, Snowguard is incredibly reliant on the random locations presented to players in each match. 

It is likely better not to think of Snowguard as a card to build a deck around but as a tech card similar to Scarlet Witch. While the dream is to drop bear form on Project Pegasus and gain five additional energy, this will rarely come to fruition. The hawk form, however, is great for circumventing annoying locations in a similar way to the aforementioned Scarlet Witch but also Rhino

Snowguard will likely see play in decks that need access to all three locations. 

Galactus Deck (Snowguard Hawk Form)

Galactus decks are very dependent on things going their way in order to pull off their combo. Not only can cards like Debrii, Polaris, and Aero ruin a Galactus player's day, but locations such as The Big House can prove to be an annoyance as well if cards are already in the other two locations. Snowguard's Hawk form will be a godsend in such situations, allowing you to play Galactus wherever you choose. 

Galactus Deck List:

Marvel Snap
Players can control locations using Snowguard and Storm. (Picture: Nuverse)

Location Control Deck (Snowguard Bear Form)

It would be remiss of us to completely disregard the bear form of Snowguard. While the hawk form will probably see more play, the bear form can be great for a deck fully committed to maneuvering around locations. 

Location Control Deck List:

And these are the best Snowguard Decks in Marvel Snap!

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