The Xbox-exclusive game has taken a huge step towards gaming inclusivity with the addition of 19 pride banners to its multiplayer mode. These banners can be displayed behind your character after a match if you've earned a commendation, as shown in the tweet below.
For as brutal, gory and rugged as Gears of War has always (and will always) be, not many saw this coming but it's a great step forward in normalising LGBT culture in our industry, in which there are many members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Of course, being the industry we're in, there's a lot of basement-dwellers upset about this – the simple fact that gay people exist perhaps too much to handle, the notion being shoved down our throats that these people should feel included a huge disrespect to our great, straight way of life.
Gears of War has definitely seen a small drop-off since its glory days in the mid-2000s. Gears of War 4 wasn't brilliantly received by the community, but Gears 5 has got a lot of good attention over the last few days, with pro players getting their hands on the game early to test it out.
With any luck, a new title and more esports plans soon to come should help bring Gears back to where it once was.